Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/179

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SCItNITZLER iniah weeping over Ruins of Jerusalem (1819) ; Gypsy Woman telling the Fortune of Sixtus V. (1820) ; replica (1829), Raczyn- ski Gallery, Berlin ; Inundation ; Pasture in Roman Campagna ; Brigand's Wife fleeing with her Child ; Brigand's Wife Asleep ; Girl confessing to a Hermit ; Wounded Guelph, Costumes of Nettuno (1825) ; Italian Women before a Madonna ; Battle of the Trebia ; Sleeping Pilgrims ; Women Bathing in Lake Nemi ; Family of Peas- ants ; Neapolitan Peasants ; Women Har- vesters listening to a Song by a Shepherd ; Battle at the Hotel de Ville, July 28, 1830 ; Sack of Rome in 1527 ; Eudes raising the Siege of Paris in 886, Battle of Cerisoles, Esther and Mordecai, Monks reading Prayers to Pisan Shepherds (1837) ; Pro- cession of Crusaders, Modern Good Samar- itan, Young Greek (1838) ; Mass in the Country ; Peasants listening to a Pifferaro ; Incident of the Sack of Aquilea by Attila, Young Woman weeping over her Dead Hus- band ; Girhj, dressing after a Bath ; Funei-al of a Young Martyr ; Woman Bathing ; Rest in Egypt ; Death and the Woodsman ; Con- tadina Praying ; Saint recalling a Child to Life ; Capuchin Physician ; Pifferaro's Les- son ; Jeremiah ; Goatherd's Betrothed ; Woman Asleep in a Vineyard ; Battle of ! Senef, Versailles Museum ; St. Genevieve j (Notre Dame de Bonne Nouvelle). Revue des Deux Mondes (1855), x. 749 ; Larousse. SCHNITZLER, J. MICHAEL, born at Neustadt, Bavaria, Sept. 24, 1782, died in Munich, Oct. 1, 1861. Animal painter, pu- pil of Augsburg Academy. Works : Par- tridges, National Gallery, Berlin ; Dead Fowl (3), Vulture killing Dove (1860), New Pinakothek, Munich; Foreign Birds, Schleissheim Gallery. Jordan (1885), ii. 204. SCHNORR VON KAROLSFELD, JO- HANN VETT (Veit Hans), born at Schnee- berg in 1764, died in Leipsic, April 30, 1841. History and portrait painter, pupil of Leipsic Academy under Oeser, went in 1788 to Konigsberg, where through Oeser's recommendation he was soon known MS a drawing master and portrait painter, but re- turned to Leipsic in 1790, painted minia- tures, afterwards historical pictures, and il- lustrated the works of prominent authors. Visited Vienna and Paris in 1802, was made instructor at the Leipsic Academy in 1803, and professor and director in 1816. Works : Healing of the Sick by the Disciples, MalePor- trait, Leipsic Museum. Brockhaus, xiv. 450 ; Nagler, xv. 399; N. Necrol. der D. (1841). SCHNORR VON KAROLSFELD, JU- LIUS, Ritter, born in Leipsic, March 26, 1794, died in Dresden, May 24, 1872. History and land- scape painter, son and pupil of Jo- hann Veit Schnorr von Karolsfeld, whom he assisted when a mere boy ; then pupil of Vienna Academy, but studied especially after the early German and Italian masters. Went in 1817 to Florence and in 1818 to Rome, where he became one of the German brotherhood of the Pre-Raphaelites under the leadership of Cornelius and Over- beck, and painted some of the frescos in the Villa Massimi in 1822-27 ; visited Sicily, and in 1827 went to Munich as professor at the Academy ; executed several monumental dec- orations in the Konigsbau (1842), and in 1846 went to Dresden as professor at the Academy and director of the Gallery. Vis- ited London in 1851, and was induced by Buusen to resume his formerly planned work of illustrating the Bible, which has made his name popular in England. Mem- ber of many Academies. Grand Cross of Order of Albrecht ; Knight of Order pour le merite ; Order of Michael, etc. Works : St. Roch giving Alms (1817), Leipsic Mu- seum; The Erl-King, Schack Gallery, Munich ; Visit of Zachariaa to Holy Fain- 139