Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/180

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SCHNORR ily (1817), Visit of Ananias (1865), Con- version of Saul (1867), Dresden Gallery; Kuth and Boaz, Hamburg Art Union ; Christ and the Children, Naumburg Cathe- dral ; Marriage at Cana (1819), formerly Lord Cathcart, Scotland ; Madonna (1820), Cologne Museum ; Vigne near Olevano (1821); Poet of the Nibelungen Lied, Raczynski Gallery, Berlin ; Domine quo vadis ? Basle Museum ; Marriage of Sieg- fried and Chrimhilde, Siegfried's Farewell, Eight Scenes from Ariosto's Roland, Carls- ruhe Gallery ; Scene from Nibelungen Lied (1830), New Pinakothek, Munich; Luther in Worms, Maximiliaueum, ib.; Death of Barbarossa (1832) ; Good Samaritan (1833), Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort. In fresco : Cycle from Ariosto's Eoland (1822-27), Villa Mas- simi, Rome ; Cartoons for do., Carlsruhe Museum ; Sketches for do., Leipsic Muse- um. Encaustic : Cycle from Nibelungen Lied (1830-50), do. from Lives of Charle- magne, Frederic Barbarossa, and Rudolf von Hapsburg (1835-42), Kouigsbau, Munich ; two Cartoons for Ni- belungen Cycle (1863), National Gallery, Ber- lin. Art Journal (18G5), 72; (1872), 204 ; Forster, iv. 223 ; v. 91, 428 ; Graph. K, i. 59 ; Illustr. Zeit. (1872), i. 469 ; Jor- dan (1885), ii. 204; Kugler, Kl. Schr., iii.; Kunst-Chrouik, vii. 332 ; ix. 745 ; xiii. 249 ; Land und Meer (1872), No. 40 ; Nagler, xv. 404 ; Riegel, D. Kunststud., 210 ; Springer, Gesch., 80 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, ii. 1, 285. SCHNORR VON KAROLSFELD, LUD- WIG FERDINAND, born in Leipsic, Nov. 11 (Oct. 11 ?), 1789, died in Vienna, April 30 (13 ?), 1853. History painter, brother of preceding, pupil of his father and of Vienna Academy, but studied chiefly Raphael and Michelangelo ; visited in 1834 Munich, Tyr- ol, Switzerland, and Paris, and in 1837 Dresden, Weimar, and North Germany ; be- came member of Vienna Academy in 1835 and custodian of the Belvedere Gallerv in 1841. Works : Knight watching through a Window a Lady writing (1808), Gotha Mu- seum ; Mephistopheles appearing to Faust (1818), Madonna (1828), Gretchen in Prison (1834), Vienna Museum ; Golo and Gene- vieve (1820) ; Huntsman-Lover Listening (1820), Gotha Gallery ; The Erl-King, Lore- ley (1821) ; Coalition of Austrians and Tyr- olese under Chasteler (1822) ; The Tyrolese under Andreas Hofer (1830), Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck ; Christ before Caiaphas (1831) ; Maid of Orleans (1834) ; Liberation of Peter (1836) ; Finding of the Cross ; Christ Feed- ing the Four Thousand (1839) ; Tristan and Isolde ; Old Man in Mediaeval Costume, Dresden Museum. Andi-esen, v. 311 ; Nag- ler, xv. 415 ; Wurzbach, xxxi. 55. SCHOBELT, PAUL, born at Magdeburg, March 9, 1838. German school ; history and genre painter, pupil of Dtisseldorf, Ber- lin, and Brussels Academies, then in Paris of Gleyre and in Berlin of Schrader ; went in 1863 to Rome, where he has since resided. Works : Grave-Digger Scene in Hamlet (1860); Creation of Eve ; Neapolitan Marri- age Suit ; Flora with Genii of Spring ; Venus and Bellona (1879), National Gallery, Berlin ; Rape of Proserpine (1882). Jordan (1885), ii. 207 ; Miiller, 474 ; Kunst-Chronik, xviii. 88. SCHODL, MAX, born in Vienna in 1834. Genre and still-life painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Friedliinder ; visited Paris, London, and Italy. Medal, Vienna, 1873. Works : At the Hotel, Tea (1869) ; Antiqui- ties, Dessert (1870) ; do., and Before Masked Ball ; Fish, Lobster (1871). Wurzbach, xxi. 75. SCHODLBERGER, JOHANN NEPO- MUK, born in Vienna in 1779, died there, Jan. 26, 1853. Landscape painter, self- taught, with Claude Lorrain and Poussiu for his models ; member of Vienna Academy in 1813; visited Italy in 1817. Works: Ca- puchins burying Friar, Interior of Italian Church (1830), View in Moravia (1829), View of Traun Falls (1830), Vienna Museum ; Landscape, Griitz Gallery. Nagler, xv. 420; Wui'zbach, xxxi. 70. 140