Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/188

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SOHEEYER Christ healing the Sick (1862), Ascension, Madonna and St. John, Mary and Mary Magdalen at Golgotha (1863); St. Agnes and Lamb (1842), Madonna and Child (1840), Two Pictures of Hovering Angels, New Pinakothek, Munich. In fresco : Por- tions of Glyptothek, Munich ; All Saints' Church, ib.; Basilica, ib.; Decoration of the Cathedral (1846-53), Speyer. Kunst-Chro- uik, xiv. 616. SCHREYER, ADOLF, born in Frank- fort-on-the-Main, May 9, 1828. Animal painter, pupil of Stil- del Institute, Frank- fort ; studied the horse in the riding-school and anatomically, then in Stuttgart, Munich, and Diisseldorf ; trav- elled in 1848 with Prince Thurn and Taxis through Hungary, Wallachia, and Southern Russia ; accompanied the Austri- ans on the march through the Dauubian prin- cipalities in 1854 ; visited Syria and Egypt in 1856, Algiers in 1861 ; lived in Paris un- til 1870, when he settled at Krouberg, near Frankfort ; lives alternately there and in Paris. Member of Antwerp and Rotterdam Academies. Medals : Brussels, 1863 ; Paris, 1864, 1865, 1867 ; Munich, 1876 ; Order of Leopold, 1866 ; court painter to Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, 1862. Works : Ar- tillery attacked by Prussian Hussars (1854), Ravene Gallery, Berlin ; Wallachian Trans- portation Train in Rainy Weather, Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; Battle near Waghiiusel, Baden, in 1849 (1858), Cannon drawn up Steep Hill (1861), Schwerin Gallery ; Cos- sack Horses (1864), Charge of Artillery ol Imperial Guard (1865), formerly in Luxem- bourg Museum ; Battle of Komorn ; Prince Thurn and Taxis wounded at Temesvar Cuirassiers' Attack in Battle on the Moskwa. 1812 ; Horses on the Puszta ; Wet Day in Moldavia ; Travelling in Russia ; Wallachian Peasants crossing Ford ; Wallachian Stable on Fire ; Tunisian Cavalry (1883). Works n United States : Arabs Resting, Arabs Re- peating, W. H. Vanderbilt, New York ; Sorses at Fountain, Abd-el-Kader leaving lonstantinople, J. J. Astor, ib. ; Wallachian Teamsters, Watering-Place, William Astor, b.; Arabs on March, Desolation, Miss C. LJ. Wolfe, ib. ; Wallachian Team, Halting- Place, August Belmont, ib.; Winter in Wallachia, J. H. Stebbins, ib.; Noon Rest, R. Hoe, ib. ; Cossacks in Snow, M. Graham, ib. ; Wallachian Team in Snow, W. Rocke- feller, ib.; Russian Inn, T. R. Butler, ib.; Alarm, J. W. Drexel, ib.; Danger, M. K. Jesup, ib.; Burning Stable, D. O. Mills, ib.; Horses at Fountain, C. P. Huntington, ib. ; Travelling in Russia, Attack, C. S. Smith, ib.; Wallachian Teamsters, H. V. Newcomb, ib.; Arabs in Desert, Samuel Hawk Collection, ib. ; Gypsy Boy -with Horse, L. Tuckerman, ib. ; The Halt, H. C. Gibson, Philadelphia ; Cold Day, Retreat, L'Embourbe Plains of Hungary, W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; Watering-Place, Cor- coran Gallery, Washington. In the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, were sold : Wallachian Pack-Horses ($4,300), Arab Scout ($3,500), Wallachian Post Station ($1,150), Arab at Fountain ($3,100). Ulustr. Zeitg. (1865), i.; Gaz. des B. Arts (1864), xvii. 369 ; (1865), xviii. 511 ; (1867), xxii. 540 ; Kaulen, 91 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 37 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, viii. (Mittheilungen, i. 59). SCHRICK, MARSEUS VAN. See Mar- sens. SCHRODL, ANTON, born at Schwechat, near Vienna, in 1825. Animal and land- scape painter, probably studied in Vienna ; visited Styria and Upper Austria. His works, marked by careful execution, are to be found in many private collections. Works : Storm 148