Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/187

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SCHRAUDOLPH Several orders. Member of Berlin, Vienna, and Dresden Academies. A great master of colour ; his pictures are brilliant out- wardly, but sometimes wanting in deeper feeling. Was the first Berlin artist to be influenced by the Belgian colourists, Gallait and De Biefve. Works : Cenci before Greg- ory VII. (1844), Dantzic Museum ; Attempt to poison the Emperor Frederick II. ; Sur- render of Calais to Edward HI. (1847), Parting of Charles I. (1855), Esther before Ahasuerus (1856), Portrait of Consul Wa- gener (1856), Homage of Berlin and Co- logne (1874), National Gallery, Berlin ; Bac- chus Asleep (1846), Bacchante playing with Panthers, Ravene Gallery, ib.; Frederick the Great after Battle of Kolin (1849), Leip- sic Museum ; Wallenstein and Seni (1850) ; Jephthah's Daughter (1850), Konigsberg Museum; Leonardo da Vinci's Death (1851) ; Children in Prayer (1852), Schwerin Gal- lery ; Milton and his Daughters (1855) ; Cromwell at the Death-Bed of his Daugh- ter (1859), Cologne Museum ; Lady Mac- beth walking in her Sleep (1860) ; Queen Elizabeth signing Mary Stuart's Death- War- rant ; Mary Stuart's Last Moments ; Shake- speare as a Poacher before the Judge, Stuttgart Museum ; Adoration of the Magi (1884) ; Portrait of Cornelius (1864), do. of himself (1865), do. of Dagobert von Oppen- heim, Cologne Museum ; do. of the Art His- torian Friedrich Eggers (1873), Schwerin Gallery ; Portraits of Humboldt, Rauke, and Moltke. In fresco : First 12 Christian Monarchs, Royal Chapel, Berlin ; Consecra- tion of St. Sophia, New Museum, ib. Jor- dan (1885), ii. 209 ; Wolfg. Mtiller, Diisseldf. K, 155: Mttller, 476; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 147 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iv. 19 ; v. 121 ; vi. 106 ; xx. 95. SCHRAUDOLPH, CLAUDIUS, the elder, born at Obersdorf, Algau, in 1813. History and genre painter, brother and pupil of Jo- liann Schraudolph, then at Munich Acad- emy under Heinrich Hess ; went with Fors- ter to Italy, to make designs after antique frescos, then painted in Munich frescos in the Basilica and All Saints' Chapel, at Ath- ens in the royal palace, and at Speyer in the cathedral, for which he had meanwhile made studies in Italy, whither he accompa- nied his brother in 1844. Afterwards joined the Benedictine Order. Nagler, xvL 11. SCHRAUDOLPH, CLAUDIUS, the younger, born in Munich in 1843. History and genre painter, son and pu- pil of Johann Schrau- dolph, and of Munich Academy under Hein- rich Hess. Lived in Dresden in 1865; fought in the cam- paign of 1866, and in Franco-German War (1870-71). Became director of Stuttgart Art School in 1883. Medal, Munich, 2d class, 1883. Works: St. Elizabeth distributing Bread ; Munich Brewery ; Pensive Maiden at Piano ; Easter Procession from Faust ; Quartet on Vene- tian Terrace ; Dolce far niente ; Decorative Paintings in Munich houses. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xxi. 809 ; Reber-Pecht, iii. 290. SCHRAUDOLPH, JOHANN, born at Oberstdorf in Al- giiu in 1808, died May 31, 1879. His- tory painter, pupil of Munich Acad- emy under Schlott- hauer and Corne- lius. Helped paint the frescos of many Munich buildings ; went to Rome in 1844 ; after his return decorated the ca- thedral at Speyer. Orders of St. Michael, Maximilian, and Bavarian Crown. Works : Two Pictures with Hovering Angels, Basle Museum; Peter's Catch of Fish (1865), 147