Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/190

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SCHUBEKT Hamburg Gallery ; Eepentant Son ; Twelve o'clock ; Meeting of old Friends ; New Schoolmaster ; Grandfather telling a Story; and similar subjects ; an Altarpiece Christ on the Mount of Olives (1857). Miiller, 479. SCHUBERT, FERDINAND, born in Vi- enna in 1824, died there in 1853. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy. Works : Romeo and Juliet (1850); Death of the Prince of Orange ; Fisher ; Radt von Haps- burg showing his Soldiers to his Brother (1852), Vienna Museum. Wurzbach, xxxii. 29. SCHUBERT, FRANZ AUGUST, born in Dessau, Nov. 10, 1806. History and land- scape painter, pupil in Dessau of Beck, then of Dresden Academy and of Munich Acade- my under Cornelius and Schnorr ; went in 1833 to Florence, 1834 to Rome, visited Or- vieto in 1836, Naples in 1838, went back to Dessau in 1839, to Munich in 1840, visited Venice in 1845, and, invited by Cornelius, settled in Berlin in 1850. Made professor by Duke of Anhalt-Dessau in 1863. Works : Jacob and Rachel, Parable of the Great Sup- per, Parable of Rich Man, Allegory of Faith, Love, and Hope (1834-39); Paul in the House of Peter in Jerusalem ; Fall of Man (1846); Feeding of the Five Thousand (1848) ; Solomon's Judgment (1853), Court House, Dessau ; Invention and Power of Music, Cycle Concert Hall, ib.; Entomb- ment, and Resurrection (1866), Schloss- kirche, ib. ; Christ on Mount of Olives ; David and Jonathan (1865); Sacrifice of Manoah (1872) ; Paul at the House of Lydia ; Peter and Tabitha; Hagar and Ishmael. Andresen, ii. 262 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 790. SCHUBERT-SOLDERN, VICTOR VON, born in Prague, Aug. 15, 1834. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Leutze in Diissel- dorf in 1857, of Antwerp Academy in 1860- 61, and of Cogniet in 1861-62. Lived in Italy in 1863-66, in Paris until 1870 ; then went to Brussels, where he became a friend of Czermak, and next settled in Dresden. Works : Tristan and Isolde (1870) ; Lucre- zia Borgia and a Venetian Lady ; A Por- trait Painter (Jubilee Exhib., Berlin, 1886). MiiUer, 479. SCHUCH, WERNER, born at Hildes- heim, Hanover, Oci 2, 1843. Landscape and genre painter, self-taught. Was at first an architect, and in 1870 professor of archi- tecture in Hanover. Began painting in 1872, copying in Dresden Gallery, and sketching in Tyrol and Italy. Studied also in Diissel- dorf in 1877. Gold medal, Berlin, 1886. Pro- fessor. Works : On the Look-Out ; Heath ; In Time of Dire Distress (1876), National Gallery, Berlin ; Robber Knights in Am- bush (1877), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Quack, Hanover Gallery ; Gustavus Adolphus' Body taken to Wolgast ; Ride for Life or Death ; Silent Cloisters ; Song is Over ; Flight of Croats ; Peacebreaker, Wiesbaden Gallery ; Footpads (1880) ; Landscape with brown Heather (1881), Dresden Museum ; Swed- ish Recruiters (1882), KOnigsberg Museum ; Going into Winter Quarters, Close to the Enemy (1884) ; On Evil Ways (1885). Jor- dan (1885), ii. 212 ; MCiller, 480 ; Kunst- Chronik, xvii. 380, 735 ; xviii. 213 ; Kunst f. Alle, i. ; Leixner, Mud. K, ii. 101 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xx. 42. SCHUCHARDT, FERDINAND, Jr., born in New York, May 14, 1855. Genre painter, pupil of William Morgan and J. G. Brown in 1875-78. Exhibited at the National Academy since 1877. Studio in New York. Works : Song without Words (T. B. Clarke, New York) ; Nydia Last Days of Pompeii (1879) ; Accident at the Circus (1880) ; Fair Client (1881) ; Fisherman's Children (1882) ; Signing the Marriage Contract, Christmas Eve (1883) ; Turned Away, Evening (1884) ; Gather ye Rosebuds, Out in the Snow (1885) ; Dreaming of the Sea, Before the Curtain (1886). SCHUFRIED, DOMINIK, born in Vienna in 1810. Landscape painter, pupil of Vi- enna Academy. Works : Ruins of Guten- stein (1838) ; Mountain Landscape (1848) ; Peasant Family near Gutenstein (1856), Vi- enna Museum. Wurzbach, xxxii. 136. 160