Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/220

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SHEPHERDS J. J. Angerstein (1824). Engraved by S. Bernard ; H. C. Shenton ; Sevier. Vosmaer, 201, 472 ; Smith, vii. 23. By Tintoretto, Scuola di S. Eocco, Venice ; canvas, H. about 14 ft. x 10 ft. The Virgin with Christ, whom two women are adoring, seated on a kind of hammock floor of rope netting, covered with straw, which divides the picture into two stories ; in the lower division, the stable, are a cock, a cow, and a peacock, some shepherds with gifts, and a woman with a basket of eggs. A " tricky picture, hastily painted." Ruskiu, Stones of Venice, iii. 334. By Velasquez, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 7 ft. 7 in. x 5 ft. 6 in. The Vir- gin, kneeling at left, supports Jesus, who lies on a crib, while Joseph stands beyond, holding a staff ; three shepherds kneel be- fore the Child, and an old woman behind them bends forward ; on right, a girl, with a basket on her head, enters a door ; in fore- ground lie two sheep. Probably authentic, though genuineness has been doubted. Purchased about 1832 for Louis Philippe from Conde del Aguila, Seville, in whose house it had been since it was painted ; sold in 1853 to National Gallery for 2,050. Engraved by E. Liugee (outline). Curtis, 4 ; Waagen, iii. 347. Subject treated also by Palma Vecchio, Louvre ; Francisco Bassano, Dresden Muse- um ; Jacopo Bassauo, Louvre, Paris ; Leau- dro Bassano, Venice Academy ; Ghirlandajo, Florence Academy ; Adriaan van der Werff, Uffizi, Florence; Titian, Ambrosiana, Milan ; Moretto, Berlin Museum ; Andrea Schia- vone, Vienna Museum ; Guido Reni, Liech- tenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Spagnoletto, Louvre, Paris ; Garofalo, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Domenico Feti, ib. ; Palma Vecchio, ib. Josef Anton Rhomberg, Frau- enkirche, Munich ; Bastien-Lepage (Salon, 1876). SHEPHERD'S CHIEF MOURNER, Sir Edwin Landseer, South Kensington Muse- um ; canvas, H. 1 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. A shep- herd's coffin, partly covered by a plaid and a blanket, rests in a rude cottage ; on a three-legged stool lie a Bible and a pair of spectacles, and on the floor beside it a bon- net and crook, while by the coffin, with his head resting upon it, sits the old man's faithful dog his chief mourner. Royal Academy, 1837. SHEPHERD, LITTLE (Pastor Nino), Murillo, Comte Henri de Greffulhe, Paris ; H. 1 ft. 10 in. x 1 ft. 4 in. The young Saviour, walking front, with a crook in his left hand, rests the other on one of two sheep on his right ; on his left, another sheep running. Presented by Queen Isa- bella to M. Guizot in recognition of his services in bringing about the marriage of her sister to the Due de Montpensier. Sold in Paris, 1874, for 120,000 francs. Gaz. des B. Arts (1877), xv. 155 ; Curtis, 186. SHIPBUILDER, Rembrandt, Buckingham Palace ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 8 ft. 6 in. ; signed, dated 1633. A shipbuilder, seen to knees, making a drawing of a ship, is inter- rupted by his wife, who has entered the room with a letter. One of Rembrandt's most noted pictures. Gildemeester sale (1800), 8,050 florins ; Smeth Van Alpen sale (1810), 16,500 florins. Engraved by Hodges (1802); J. P. Quilley. Etched by De Frey. Waagen, Treasures, ii. 4 ; Vosmaer, 35, 432 ; Smith, vii. 68. SHIPWRECK, Joseph M. W. Turner, Na- tional Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 8 in. x 7 ft. 11 in. The hulk of a large ship, still crowded with human beings, is labour- ing in a stormy sea ; three fishing-boats are endeavouring to approach her bows, where some of the passengers are dropping from the bowsprit into a boat. Painted in 1805 for Sir John Fleming Leicester ; exchanged by him for Sun in the Mist. Engraved by W. Miller in Turner Gallery. SHIRLAW, WALTER, born in Paisley, Scotland, Aug. 6, 1838. Genre painter; taken to America in 1840. Pupil in Munich, in 1870-77, of Raab, Wagner, Ramberg, and Lindenschmidt. Exhibited first at National Academy in 1861 ; elected an AN. A. in 176