Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/221

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SHORE v 1878 ; member of Society of American Ar- tists, of which he was the first president ; pro- fessor in Art Stu- dents' League, New York ; member of Chicago Academy. Studio in New York. Works: Eager for the Fray (1861) ; Toning the Bell (1874); Sheep Shear- ing Bavarian High- lands (1876); Good Morning (1878); Gretchen, Burgomaster, Task (1879) ; Capellmeister, Marble Quarry, Indian Girl, Very Old, Autumn (1880); Tom- Boy (1881); Gossip, Tuning Up (1844); Sor- ry for the Gorse, Under the Cornstack (1885); Jealousy (1886). Am. Art Rev. (1881), 97, 145 ; Sheldon, 96. SHORE, JANE, Joseph Nicolas Robert- Fleury, Luxembourg Museum ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 8 in. x 5 ft. Condemned as a sorceress and adulteress, she is pursued through the streets of London and insulted by the popu- lace. Salon, 1850. SHRIMP GIRL, Hoyarth, National Gal- lery, London ; canvas, H. 2 ft 1 in. x 1 ft. 8 in. Half-length, face nearly full, with mouth half-open. She wears a white cap with a dark cloth over her head, on which she bears a tray containing shrimps and a small metal measure. Leigh Court sale (1884), 256 guineas. Art Journal (1885), 8. SHULAMITE, Alexandre Gabanel, Miss C. L. Wolfe, New York ; canvas, signed, dated 1875. Life-size, sitting on the floor of a highly decorated apartment, with a column and rich stuffs in background. One hand is raised to her head ; the other is partly veiling her bosom, from which the gauze has fallen. Photogravure in Art Treasures of America, i. 120. SHUMWAY, HENRY COLTON, born in Middletown, Conn., July 4, 1807, died in New York, May 6, 1884. Portrait and min- iature painter, pupil of the National Acad- emy, and one of its earliest members, hav- ing been elected in 1832. For many years a successful miniature portrait painter in New York and in other American cities, and a regular exhibitor at the Academy. Ho went to Washington, D. C., in 1838 to paint Henry Clay, and had many other distin- guished sitters. SHURTLEFF, ROSWELL MORSE, born at Rindge, N. H., June 14, 1841. Land- scape and animal painter, pupil of the Lowell Institute, Boston, and of the National Acad- emy, New York, where he first exhibited in 1872. Studio in New York. Elected an A.N.A. in 1881. Works : American Panther (1876); Race for Life (1877); The Still- Hunter ; On the Alert (1879); Autumn Gold, Pedro (1880); Blue Heron (1881); October Hunting, Under the Beeches (1882); Foot of the Mountain, Ray of Light, In the Wild- Wood (1883); Mt. Porter Adirondacks, By Still Water (1884); October, Road to the Mill (1885); Song of Summer Woods, Morn- ing in the Forest (1886). Sheldon, 211. SIBERECHTS, JAN, born in Antwerp, baptized Jan. 29, 1627, died in London in 1703. Flemish school ; landscape painter, admitted to the guild in 1648. Painted many English landscapes for the Duke of Buckingham, who took him to England, where he was employed four years in tho decoration of Cliefdeu House, and after- wards at Newstead and Chatsworth. Was distinguished for his water-colours. En- deavoured successfully to imitate Berchem and Karel du Jardin. Works : Miracle of St. Francis of Assisi (1666), Antwerp Mu- seum ; Farm Yard (1660), Brussels Museum ; Leasehold Farm, Valenciennes Museum ; Landscapes with Figures and Cattle (2, 1663, 1670), Lille Museum ; do. (1), Bordeaux Mu- scum ; do., Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Mother sewing by the Cradle (1671), Copen- 177