Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/237

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SMILLIE Yosemite Valley (1872); Near Portland- Maine (1881) ; Pigeon Cove (1882) ; Willows at Newburyport (1883) ; Morning along Shore (1884) ; Normandy Farm, Showery Day on Massachusetts Coast, Song of Sum- mer (1885) ; Near Kennebunk, Long Island Farm (188G). SMILLIE, JAMES DAVID, born in New York, Jan. 16, 1833. Landscape painter, son of James Smil- lie, by whom he was educated as an engraver ; but in 1864 he turned his attention to paint- ing, which he studied without a master. Sketched at different times among the great mountain ranges of the United States ; in 1862 made a short trip abroad. A fellow of the Painter-Etchers Society of London, member of the Society of American Artists and of the Society of Painters in Water-Colours, of which he was president in 1873-78. Elected an A.N.A. in 1866, and N.A. in 1876. Studio in New York. Works in oil : Up the Hill- side ; Evening among the Sierras of Cali- fornia ; Lifting of the Clouds White Moun- tains ; Adirondacks (1879) ; Cedar Meadow Poughkeepsie (1880) ; Evening Shadows (1881); Old Orchard, Cathedral Rocks Yosemite (1883) ; Near Morblehead Mass., Pond's Outlet (1884). Water-colours; Scrub- Race on the Western Prairies ; Study from Nature Au Sable River (1876); Track of the Torrent Adirondacks; Stray Lambs near Montrose Pa. (1884) ; Fallow Field, Cliffs of Normandy (1885); Harbour Island Lake George, Summer Sea on Coast of France (1886). Am. Art Rev. (1880), 524. SMIRKE, ROBERT, born at Wigton, near Carlisle, in 1752, died in London, Jan. 5, 1845. Apprenticed to a heraldry painter in 1766 ; entered Royal Academy schools in 1772, and exhibited first in 1786; A.R.A. in 1791, and R.A. in 1793. Was the princi- pal of the early English genre painters, tak- ing his subjects mostly from the English poets and from Cervantes, but was chiefly em- ployed as a book illus- trator. Works : Maw- worm, Dr. Cantwell and Old Lady Lambert (Bickerstaffe's "Hyp- ocrite ") ; Scenes from "Don Quixote" (15), National Gallery, London. Redgrave ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole anglaise ; Sandby, i. 299. SMIT, A. (Andries, Arnout?), nourished second half of 17th century. Dutch school. Marine painter in the stylo of Bakhuyzen ; perhaps identical with Andries Smit, who became a citizen of Amsterdam in 1699. Works: Agitated Sea with Vesesls (1678), Copenhagen Gallery ; do. (2), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Storm at Sea, Mannheim Gallery; do., on Rocky Coast, four others, Schwerin Gallery. Schlie, 585. SMITH, ARCHIBALD GARY, born hi New York, Sept. 4, 1837. Marine painter ; pupil of M. F. H. Do Haas. Exhibits at the National Academy. Studio in New York. Works : Yacht Eva (1869), L. L. Lorillard, New York; Windy Day (1876); Yacht Dauntless (1877), Philip Schuyler, New York ; Perils of the Sea (1878) ; Marino (1879); Stiff Breeze (1880) ; Off Cuttyhunk (1881) ; Yacht Columbia, Lester Wallack, New York ; Yacht Sappho, William P. Douglass, ib. ; Yacht Wanderer, James Stilhnan, ib. ; and others. Mr. Smith is well known also as a yacht designer. SMITH, CALVIN RAE, bom in New York in 1850. Genre painter, pupil of the National Academy, New York, and in Paris of the ficole des Beaux Arts, Carolus-Duran, Diogone Maillart, and Adolph Yvon. Was in France and Italy in 1874-79. First exhib- ited in the Paris Salon in 1878. Is assistant professor in the antique school of the National Academy. Works : Little Italian (1878) ; A 193