Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/238

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SMITH Good Joke (1880) ; Little Marauders (1881) ; Little Bookworm, Peggy (1882); Clear the Way ! (1883) ; Workers and Idlers (1884). SMITH, FEANCIS HOPKINSON, bom in Baltimore, Md., Oct. 23, 1838. Land- scape painter ; self-educated. Paints in oil, but works cliiefly in water-colour and char- coal. Member of the Water Colour Society, New York. Studio in New York. Works in oil : Old Cedars Franconia Mountains, Darkling Wood (1876) ; Galilee by the Sea (1880). Water-colours : Summer in the Woods (1871) ; Old Man of the Mountains (1874) ; Overlook Falls (1875) ; Under the Leaves (1877) ; Deserted, Charles F. Have- meyer, New York ; Cool Spot, J. J. Astor, ib. ; Looking Seaward, Old Smithy (1878) ; Grand Canal Venice, Market Place Sev- ille (1884). Published (1887) a volume of sketches entitled "Well- Worn Roads." SMITH, FRANK HILL, born in Boston in 1841. Portrait, figure, and landscape painter and decorator ; pupil in architecture of Haminatt Billings, Boston ; studied in the Atelier Suisse and under Bonnat in Paris, where he spent six years ; and painted in Belgium, Holland, and Italy. Studio in Boston. Works : Venice, Hon. William Claflin, Mass. ; Venice, Somerset Club, Bos- ton ; Portrait of Two Children (1873). Has devoted himself largely to architecture painting, and has decorated buildings in Holyoke, Boston, and Cambridge. SMITH, GEORGE, born in Chichester, England, in 1714, died there, Sept. 17, 1776. Painted landscapes and rural subjects after the manner of Claude and Poussin, which were lauded beyond their merits ; fashion placed him in the first rank, poets apostro- phized him, and Woollet, Elliot, Peak, and Vivares engraved his works. He and his brothers, William (1707-1764), who painted portraits, landscapes, and fruits and flowers ; and John (1717-1764), who painted land- scapes, were known as the Smiths of Chi- chester. Redgrave. SMITH, HENRY PEMBER, born in Waterford, Conn., Feb. 20, 1854. Marine painter; self-taught. Professional life passed in New York. Exhibits at the National Academy and at the American Water Colour Society. Studio in New York. Works : Approaching Storm on French Coast (1879) ; Off the Bishops Coast of Wales (1880) ; Moor in Cornwall England, W'recked on a Rocky Shore (1881) ; Summer Afternoon in Normandy, Hurricane at Sea (1882) ; Early Moonrise on English Coast (1883) ; In the Gulf Stream off Newfoundland, Summer in France (1884). Water-colours : Mid Ocean (T. B. Clarke, New York), Sunset at Sea (1884) ; Old Oaks (1885) ; Last Gleam, Morning in Northern Italy (1886). SMITH, THOMAS LOCHLAN, born in Glasgow, Scotland, Dec. 2, 1835, died in New York, Dec. 5, 1884. Landscape paint- er, pupil of George H. Boughton in Albany in 1850. Painted chiefly winter scenes ; re- moved in 1862 to New York, where he was elected an A.N.A. in 1870. Works : Home- stead in Winter (1871) ; Grove in Winter (1872) ; Deserted House, Eve of St. Agnes (Saville Collection, Boston), Woods in Au- tumn, do. in Winter (1873), J. H. White, ib. ; Gloaming (1879); Evening Service Winter Time (1880); Woodland Farm (1881) ; Winter Night in Markham Hollow (1883) ; Over the Snowy Fields, Old Saw- Mill in Winter (1884). SMITH, W T ILLIAM RUSSELL, born in Scotland ; contemporary. He was taken in youth to America, where his family settled in Pittsburg, Pa. ; studied landscape paint- ing under Lambdin in Philadelphia. He painted stage scenery in Pittsburg and Philadelphia before taking a studio in the latter city, where his professional life has been spent. Works : Cave at Chelton Hills (1876) ; Civita Castellana, Mrs. J. Harrison, Philadelphia ; Near Carrara, F. Rogers, ib. SMITH-HALD, FRITHJOF, born at Christiansand, Norway ; contemporary. Landscape painter, pupil of Gude ; Medals in Nice, Antwerp, and New Orleans ; Ber- lin, 1886. Studio in Paris. Works : Return of Fishermen Norway, Morning Walk 194