Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/268

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STEINICKE (1847), Nantes Museum ; Soap - Bubbles (1847); Young Mother, Morning (1848) ; Woman and her Child, Gillyflowers (1849). Larousse ; Kunst-Chronik, xx. 589. STEINICKE, HEINKICH, born at Leer, East Friesland, May 5, 1825. Landscape painter, pupil of Hanover Polytechnic School ; then studied at The Hague, and since 1852 in Diisseldorf ; has made frequent sketch- ing tours to Holland, Norway, Bavaria, Aus- tria, Switzerland, and Italy. Works : Fjord in Norway (1855) ; Chiem Lake, Bavarian Mountain Landscape (1858), Stettin Muse- um ; Ober Lake (1859), Courtray Museum ; Approaching Storm (1860) ; Evening in Mountains (1862), Emperor Wilhekn ; Even- ing on the Heath (1864), Provinzial Muse- um, Hanover ; Noon Rest on Mountain Lake ; German Landscape. Mtlller, 505. STEINKOPF, GOTTLOB FRIEDRICH YON, born in Stuttgart in 1779, died there in 1861. Landscape and history painter, son and pupil of Johann Friedrich Steinkopf (1737-1825, court painter in Stuttgart in 1801). Went to Vienna in 1 799, and to Rome in 1807, where he was intimate with Koch, Schick, and Overbeck, and took Claude Lor- rain and Poussin for his models ; lived in Vienna in 1814-21, then in Stuttgart, where he became instructor at the Art School in 1829, professor in 1833, director in 1845, and retired in 1855. Honorary member of Berlin Academy in 1825, of Vienna Acad- emy in 1836. Wtirtemberg Crown Order. Works : Morning of Sacrifice (1810) ; Re- turn of Hercules from Liou Hunt (1812); Italian Vintage, Ulysses and Nausicaa (1818 -20) ; Evening in Italy (1828) ; Cleobis and Biton (1833) ; Suabian Spring (1839) ; Ely- sian Fields (1843), Stuttgart Museum ; Views near Stuttgart (1827), Villa Rosen- stein near Stuttgart. Wurzbach, xxxviii. 106. STEINLE, EDUARD, born in Vienna, July 2, 1810, died at Frankfort, Sept. 19, 1886. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy and of Kiipelwieser ; went in 1828 to Rome, where Overbeck arid Veit befriend- ed him ; returned in 1834, visited Frankfort in 1837, studied fresco painting in Munich under Cornelius in 1838, settled in Frankfort in 1842, and became pro- fessor at the Stiidel In- stitute there in 1850. Next to Overbeck, with whose style he has iden- tified himself, and to Fdhrich, he is the most distinguished represent- ative of religious art in Germany. Member of Berlin, Vienna, Mu- nich, and Hanau Academies. Gold medal for art and science ; gold medal, Paris, and L. of Honour, 1855 ; Order of Leopold, 1860 ; do. of Francis Joseph, etc. Oil paint- ings : St. Luke painting the Virgin (1840), Basle Museum ; Solomon's Judgment (1840), Emperors Albrecht I. and Ferdinand HI. (1841), Romer, Frankfort ; Sibylla Tibur- tina (1848), Stiidel Gallery, ib. ; Madonna (1854), St. Leonard's, ib. ; Visitation (1841), Raczynski Gallery, Berlin ; do. (1848), Carls- ruhe Gallery ; Madonna Fontana (1854), Vi- enna Museum ; Castle Ward (1854), Weimar Museum ; Madonna (1856), Speyer Cathe- dral ; St. Joseph (1859), St. Mary's, Aix-la- Chapelle ; Warder of Tower (1858), Fiddler in Tower (1862), Lorelei (1864), Adam and Eve (1867), Schack Gallery, Munich ; Ado- ration of the Cross (1885). Water-colours : Madonnas, Saints, and many biblical and religious subjects ; illustrations to German Fairy Tales (1861-74) ; do. to Dante (1835), Shakespeare (1868-72) ; do. to Wolfram von Eschenbach (1875) ; five scenes from Par- cival (1884) ; allegories, landscapes, etc. In fresco : The Eight Beatifications (1838- 40), Chapel of Castle Rheineck, Rhenish Prussia (cartoons for do., Stadel Gallery, Frankfort) ; Choir of Angels (1843-46), Co- logne Cathedral (cartoons in Carlsruhe Gal- lery) ; ceiling and wall paintings (1857-58), St. Egidius, Milnster ; scenes in History of Art and Civilization in Cologne (1860-63), Staircase, Cologne Museum ; seven pictures 224