Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/269

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STELLA on Dogma of Immaculate Conception (1865), St. Mary's, Aix-la-Chapelle ; Coronation of the Virgin, Choir of Angels, Saints, etc. (1876), MUnster Cathedral ; about fifty col- oured and other cartoons (1833-79) ; two (1846, 1868), National Gallery, Berlin. Art Journal (1865), 204 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 223 ; Graph. K., iv. 77 ; Kunst-Chronik, six. 557 ; xxii. 137 ; Wurzbach, xxxviii. 108 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, v. 24, 54 ; Allgem. K. Chr., viii. 501 ; Schack, Meine Gemaldesammlung (1884), 86. STELLA, FRANCOIS, born at Lyons in 1603, died in Paris, July 26, 1647. French school ; history painter, younger brother and pupil of Jacques Stella, whom he fol- lowed to Italy, returning with him to Paris in 1634. He was not the equal of Jacques, but was painter in ordinary to the king and executed works for the oratory of the queen at Saint-Germain. The Orleans Museum possesses a Holy Family, and St. John pre- senting a Cross to Infant Jesus, by him. Mnriette, Abecedario, v. 257 ; Bellier, ii. 524 ; Jal, 1149. STELLA, JACQUES, born at Lyons in 1595, died in Paris, April 29, 1657. French school ; his- tory painter, son of Franyois Stella (1563-1605), a Flemish artist, who left a number of able works in the churches and con- vents of Lyons; went to Florence in 1616, was employed by Cosmo II de' Medici, and in 1623 to Rome, where he studied Raphael and the old mas- ters, and was especially attracted by Pous- sin, whom he imitated. Returned to Paris in 1634, obtained a pension through Riche- lieu, became first painter to the king, and chevalier of St. Michael (1644), and trained a number of able artists. Works : Christ receiving the Virgin in Heaven, Minerva vis- iting the Muses, Louvre ; Holy Family, An- gers Museum ; Jesus and the Samaritan Woman, Rachel and the Messenger of Jacob, Grenoble Museum ; Madonna (2), Cavalry Charge, Havre Museum ; Adoration of Magi, Pastoral, Portrait of Artist, Lyons Museum ; Samaritan Woman, Montpellier Museum ; Assumption, Peasants' Dance, Nantes Mu- seum ; Bacchanal (2), Marriage of Virgin, Christ giving the Communion to St. Peter, Holy Family, Rouen Museum ; Holy Fam- ily, Nimes Museum ; Sunset, Montaubau Museum ; Diana and Nymphs, Infant Christ adored by Angels, Oldenburg Gallery ; An- nunciation, Holy Family, Venus and Adonis, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg ; Judg- ment of Solomon, Vienna Museum. Mariette, Abe- cedario, v. 256 ; Em eric David, Notices historiques . . . peinture moderne (Paris, 1854) ; Bellier, ii. 524 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole franyaise ; Jal, 1149. STEPHAN, MEISTER. See Meiater Ste- phan. STEPHEN, ST., MARTYRDOM OF, Charles Lebrun, Louvre ; canvas, H. 13 ft. 1 in. x 10 ft. 2 in.; signed, dated 1651. St. Stephen, stoned to death by the Jews (Acts vii). He is lying on his back in the fore- ground, with hands outstretched and eyes upraised, while the rabble are stoning him ; in background, left, the walls and gate of the city ; at right, spectators ; above, God the Father, Christ, and angels with the crown and palm of martyrdom. Painted for the guild of jewellers and placed in Notre-Dame. Engraved by G. Edelinck ; E. Picart ; Gerard Audran ; Brissart ; Du- flos ; Bazin ; Gautrel ; Tardieu. Re-veil, ii. 76. By Tintoretto, S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice ; canvas. The saint, in a prelate's dress, kneel- ing in foreground, the stones flying thickly about him and covering the ground ; in the middle of the picture, several men throwing stones, and behind them a confused crowd ; Paul seated on ground in front of them ; 225