Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/272

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STEVER of Tantalus (1849) ; Prisoner's Dog (1850) ; Surprise, Bull pursued by Dog (1853) ; Street in Brussels in the Morn- ing (1851), Eouen Mu- seum ; Episode in Dog- Show at Paris (1855), Brussels Museum ; Hap- py Moment, Monkey stealing Dainties (1859); Prestidigitator, Melan- cholia of First Pipe (1857); Dog and Fly (1878), etc. Larousse, xiv. 1100 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1880), xxii. 360. STEVER, GUSTAV CURT, born in Riga, May 16, 1823, died in Diisseldorf, March 17, 1877. History and genre painter, pupil of Berlin Academy in 1847 ; went to Stock- holm in 1850 to paiut portraits for court and University of Upsala ; in 1845 studied in Paris under Couture ; settled in Hamburg in 1859, in Diisseldorf in 1865. Professor ; Mecklenburg House Order. Works : Death of the Wend King Gottschalk ; Abishag and David (1860), Schwerin Gallery ; Transfig- uration ; Adoration of the Angels ; Last Sup- per ; Page and Waiting Woman (1868) ; Resurrection (1870) ; Dutch Family Life (1871) ; Christ and Peter on the Sea (1873) ; Adam and Eve beside Abel's Body (1874) ; Jean Mabuse painting his Sleeping Child ; Adam van Noort surprising Rubens at his Private Studies ; Van Dyck at the Easel ; Noble Lady of Old Germany ; Cavalier sing- ingwithLute(1875). Blanckarts, 131 ; Mey- er, Conv. Lex., xvii. 858 ; Kunst-Chro- nik, xii. 434 ; Zeit- schr. f. b. K, vi. 150. STEWART, JULIUS L., bom in Philadelphia ; con- temporary. Genre painter, pupil of Za- maco'is, of Girome, and of Raimundo de Madrazo. Mention honorable, Paris Salon, 1885. Works : Reading, La Maja (1878) ; Portrait (1879) ; Summer (1882) ; Court in Cairo (1883) ; Five o'clock Tea (1884) ; Hunt Ball (1885) ; Full Speed (1886), James Gordon Bennett. STIELER, JOSEF KARL, born in Mentz, Nov. 1, 1781, died in Munich, April 9, 1858. Portrait and history painter, pupil of Fiisel in Wiirzburg, and of Fiiger in Vi- enna. Visited Poland in 1805, and painted portraits in Warsaw and Cracow ; then stud- ied under Gerard in Paris ; went to Frankfort in 1808, to Milan in 1810, and proceeded as far as Rome. Called to Munich in 1812 to paint the royal family ; to Vienna for like purpose in 1816. Court painter in 1820. Works : Liberation of St. Leonard from Dungeon, St. Leonard's, Frankfort ; Por- traits of Goethe, Beethoven, Tieck, Hum- boldt, Schelling, Kings Max and Ludwig, of himself, his Daughter, and many others ; Gallery of Beautiful Women ; Portrait of Goethe (1828), Emperor Francis I. of Aus- tria (1817), Empress Caroline Auguste, Por- traits of Bavarian Princes and Princesses (9), Female Portrait, New Pinakothek, Munich ; Gen. Tettenborn (1815), Hamburg Gallery. Nagler, xvii. 348. STILHEID. See Lin. STILKE, HERMANN, born in Berlin, Jan. 29, 1803, died there, Sept. 22, 1860. History painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under Kolbe. In 1821 went to Munich, then to Diisseldorf with Cornelius to learn fresco. After working in Coblentz and Mu- nich, visited Italy in 1827, and returned in 1833 to Diisseldorf to join Schadow. Was employed in the Castle of Stolzenfels in 1842-46, and from 1850 resided in Berlin. Professor in 1854. Works : Crusaders' Watch (1834) ; St. George and Angel ; Sons of Edward IV., National Gallery, Berlin ; Pilgrims in the Desert (1834), Raczynski Gallery, ib. ; Maid of Orleans (1837) ; Last Christians in Syria (1841), Konigsberg Mu- seum ; Tristan and Isolde ; Judith and Hol- ofernes ; Amazons ; Last Judgment (with Sturmer), Hall of Assizes, Coblentz. In fresco : Six Virtues of Chivalry (1842-46), 243