Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/273

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STILLMAN Castle of Stolzenfels ; Royal Palace, ] Theatre, Dessau. His wife, Hermir Peipers, 1808-69), was a land- scape and flower painter. Jor- , dan (1885), ii. 224 ; Wolfg. /. 3erli e (u IA D ; ee s r sl Mttller, Diisseldf. K, 78; Wiegmann, 155. STILLMAN, MARIE SPARTALI; con- temporary. Daughter of a Greek merchant of London, and wife of W. J. Stillman. Sub- ject painter, pupil of Ford Madox Brown. Exhibits at Grosvenor Gallery. Works : Lady Fray's Desire (1867); Christina (1868); Brewing the Love Philter (1869) ; St. Bar- bara, Mystic Tryst (1870) ; Sir Launcelot disguised as a Fool (1873) ; Moua Lisa (1875) ; Last Sight of Fiammetta (1876) ; Roses and Lilies (1877) ; Gathering Orange Blossoms, Fiammetta Singing, Peusierosa (1879) ; Beatrice (1880) ; Among the Wil- lows of Tuscany, Meeting of Dante and Beatrice (1881) ; Crown of Wind Flowers, Legend of Fair Women (1882) ; Childhood of St. Cecilia (1883) ; Madonna, By a Deer Well (1884); Garland Makers (1885). Port- folio (1870), 117. STIMMER, TOBIAS, born at Schaffhau- sen in 1534 or 1539, died in Strasburg in 1582. German school ; painted house dec- orations at Schaffhausen, Strasburg, and Frankfort (1554), and portraits for the Mar- grave of Baden. Principal work an illus- trated Bible, which Rubens valued very highly. Portraits of Man and Wife (1564), Basle Museum ; Massacre of the Innocents, Solomon's Judgment (?), Hohenzollern Mu- seum, Sigmaringen ; Portrait of Hen- von Schuyz and his Wife, Waagen Collection, Munich. Kugler (Crowe), i. 270 ; W T olt- mann, D. Kunst im Elsass, 316. STIRRUP CUP (La Coupe de 1 etrier), Jean Louis Ernest Mtdssonier, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., Hertford House, London. Two cavaliers have stopped in front of an inn, at right ; one, mounted on a white horse, is drinking, while the other receives a glass from a man-servant. Painted in 1865 ; purchased by Marquis of Hertford at Prince Paul Demidoff sale, Paris (1868). Never engraved. By Jean Louis Ernest Hfrixgonier, Sir Richard Wallace, London. Called La halte (The Halt). Three cavaliers, mounted re- spectively on a white, a bay, and a black horse, have stopped in front of an inn, in the door of which stand a man, smoking a pipe, and a child ; the cavalier at left is drinking, while a maid-servant offers the second one a glass from a tray ; at right, a cart, fowls, and village street with figures. Painted in 1862 for the Due de Moray, and afterwards enlarged at his request ; at his sale (1865), purchased by Marquis of Hert- ford ; passed by inheritance to Sir R. Wal- lace. Etched by Flameng before the en- largement. By Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier, J. W. Mackay, New York. Called Sans dcbrider (Without Dismounting). Two cavaliers have stopped to drink in front of the inn, and are attended by a man-servant and waiting- maid ; in background, a gallant takes his ease under shelter of the inn balcony. Painted in 1876 ; John Wilson sale, Paris (1881). Etched by Lalauze. Meissonier has treated this or a similar subject, with one, two, or three horsemen, several times. One, called A tournebride (At the Inn), painted in 1860, represents three cavaliers served by a man-servant. Another, painted in 1862, belongs to C. F. H. Bolckow, Marton Hall, near Middles- borough, England. A third, called Halte a 1'auberge (Halt at the Inn), painted in 1864, represents a single horseman drink- ing in front of an inn, a man holding a tray, and a woman and child at the inn door to left. Pictures bearing this title are owned by William J. Stewart, Paris, and in the United States by J. H. Stebbins and D. O. Mills, New York. STITES, JOHN RANDOLPH, bora in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1836. Landscape painter ; self-taught Has painted in Chicago, New Orleans, and New York. Works: The Grave Robbers (1870) ; The Young Natural-