Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/274

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STOBBAERTS ist (1875) ; Arctic Pastime (1878) ; West Farms Autumn Study, Thomas B. Clarke, New York ; Autumn (1880), Erwin Davis, ib.; More Snow, E. J. Chaffee, ib.; Little Runaway, Dr. John Carr, ib. ; The Veteran, Four-year-old Soldier (1884), W. H. Fal- coner, ib.; Convalescent (1882); Valencia Oranges (1884) ; An Upland Ranch, Boston Art Club. STOBBAERTS, JEAN BAPTISTE ; con- temporary. Animal painter, settled in Ant- werp. Medal at Vienna in 1873. Works : Cattle Market ; Work and Rest ; Right of the Strongest ; Meal-Time ; Dog Shearer ; Antwerp Slaughter House ; At the Stand ; Kitchen of a Lover of Animals. Mfiller, 507. STOBER, FRANZ, born in Vienna in 1760, died in Speyer, Oct. 4, 1834. Land- scape painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Brand. Visited the Netherlands, and settled in Speyer, where Baron von Hut- ten zu Stolzenburg made him inspector of his gallery. Works : Falls of the Rhine at Schaffliausen ; Ruins of St. Jacob's Church in Speyer (1787), Vienna Museum. Wurz- bach, xxxix. 74 ; Nagler, xvii. 382. STOCKLER, EMANUEL, born at Nik- olsburg, Moravia, Dec. 24, 1819. Land- scape and genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Joseph MOssmer and Thomas Euder. Travelled in Italy and the Orient ; appointed court painter in Russia ; visited Venice in 1878. Francis Joseph Order in 1879. Works : Hall of the Assunta ; Baptistery of St. Mark's ; Ruins of Palace of Belisarius in Constan- tinople (1849), Vienna Museum ; Rococo Lady ; Page ; Girl sewing Wedding Dress, Madonna della Salute Venice, Emperor of Austria ; Duino near Trieste (1852) ; To- phana in Constantinople (1855) ; In Mon- tenegro (1869) ; and many water-colours. Allgem. Kunst-Chrouik, is. 166 ; Wurzbach, xxxix. 100. STOHL, HEINRICH, born in Vienna in 1826. Landscape, architecture, and genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy, then studied in Munich. Visited Bohemia, Up- per Austria, Munich, and Upper Italy. Suc- cessful in oil, but most of his pictures are water-colours in the possession of the Austrian imperial family and aristocracy. Works: Antechamber in Doge's Palace (1854); Interior of San Marco (1855) ; Portal of St. Zeno's in Verona (1856) ; Room from Golden Age of Venice (1858) ; Market in North Italy (1862); etc. Wurzbach, xxxix. 130. STOLTENBERG-LERCHE, VINCENT, born at Tonsberg, Norway, Sept. 5, 1837. Genre and interior painter, pupil of Dfis- seldorf Academy, then studied for some time in Venice. Visited the Rhine countries, Holland, France, and Scandinavia. Works : Interior of St. Lambertus in Ddsseldorf (1862) ; Studio of Monk Painter ; Sacristy of St. Gereon in Cologne ; Cloister near Bornhofen ; Interior of Carmelite Church at Boppard ; Cloister of Kanep ; Repast in Monastery ; Beggars in Monastery ; Infal- lible Bowl (1870); Convent Library (1872) ; Collection Day at Monastery (1873), Chris- tiania Gallery ; Visit of a Cardinal at Mon- astery ; Tavern in Cologne at Time of Oc- cupation by the French (1880) ; Dinner at Mtlnchausen's (1882). Meyer, Conv. Lex., xx. 627 ; Miiller, 333 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1882), i. 407. STONE, FRANK, born in Manchester, Aug. 22, 1800, died in London, Nov. 18, 1859. Genre painter, self-taught ; went to London in 1831 ; joined the old Water Col- our Society in 1832 ; exhibited at Royal Academy in 1837, and afterwards painted mostly in oil-colours. Elected an A.R.A. in 1851. In 1856 he visited the French coast, and afterwards painted many French subjects. Works : Legend of Montrose (1840) ; Philip van Artevelde, Prince Charles and the Infanta (1841) ; The Last Appeal (1843) ; Course of True Love (1844) ; Im- pending Mate, Mated (1847) ; Christ and the Sisters of Bethany (1848) ; A Girl of Brittany, Alice (1849) ; Sympathy, Garden- er's Daughter (1850) ; Merchant of Venice S30