Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/275

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STONE (1851); Old, Old Story (1854); Bonjour Messieurs (1857) ; Missing Boat (1858). Many of bis works are engraved. Art Jour- nal (1856), 333 ; (I860), 9. STONE, MARCUS, born in London, July 4, 1840. History and genre painter, son and pupil of Frank Stone ; exhibited first picture, Best, at Boyal Acad- emy in 1858 ; elected an A.R.A. in 1877. Has drawn many book illustrations. Works : Claudio accuses Hero (18G1) ; From Waterloo to Paris (1863) ; Royalists seeking Refuge in the House of a Puritan (1864) ; Stealing the Keys (1866) ; Nell Gwynne (1867) ; Interrupted Duel (1868) ; Princess Elizabeth forced to attend Mass (1869) ; Henry VHI. and Anne Boleyn (1870) ; Royal Nursery (1871) ; Edward H. and Piers Gaveston (1872) ; Le Roi est mort Vive le Roi ! (1873) ; My Lady is a Widow and Childless (1874) ; Sain et sauf (1875) ; Appeal for Mercy (1876) ; Sacrifice (1877) ; Post Bag, Time of Roses (1878) ; In the Shade, Summer Time (1879) ; Mar- ried for Love (1881) ; Bad News (1882) ; Offer of Marriage, Asleep (1883) ; Fallen Out, Reconciled (1884) ; Gambler's Wife (1885) ; A Peace Maker (1886). Meynell, 211 ; Art Journal (1869), 33. STONE, WILLIAM OLIVER, born at Derby, Conn., Sept. 26, 1830, died in New- port, R. I, Sept. 15, 1875. Portrait painter, pupil of N. Jocelyn in New Haven ; re- moved to New York in 1851 ; elected an A.N.A. in 1856, and N.A. in 1859. Works : Portraits of Bishops Williams of Connecti- cut (1858),Littlejohn of Long Island (1858), and Kip of California (1859) ; Mr. Corcoran (1865) ; James Gordon Bennett (1871) ; Moses Grinnell (1871). STONE AGE, Fernaud Cormon, St. Ger- main Museum ; canvas. Return from a bear-hunt in the Stone Age. In centre, at entrance to a rude domicile built of huge tree-trunks, sits an aged chieftain, knife and flint axe in hand ; before him lies the car- cass of a bear, which a group of skin-clad hunters, with half-tamed wolves for dogs, have brought in ; at right, the women and children of the tribe. Salon, 1884. STONE-BREAKERS (Casseurs do pier- res), Gustavo Courbet, Louvre, Paria Two peasants at work beside a dusty road ; one is breaking stones with a hammer, while the other is carrying away the fragments in a wicker basket. Salon, 1851. Gaz. des B. Arts (1878), xvii. 518 ; Century Mag. (1884), xxvii. 487. STOOP, DIRK, born probably at Utrecht in 1610, died there in 1686. Dutch school ; painted cavalry skirmishes, hunts, seaports, and genre pieces ; son and pupil of the glass painter Willem Jansz van der Stoop ; entered guild of Utrecht in 1638 ; formed himself after Esaias van cle Velde and Jan Maris the younger ; for some time court painter at Lisbon, whence called Roderigo Stoop ; about 1662 he accompanied the In- fanta Catharine of Portugal to London ; re- turned to Utrecht in 1678. Works : Hunt- ing Party (1645), Amsterdam Museum ; Halting-Place before Inn, Haarlem Muse- um ; View of Convent near Lisbon, Hague Museum ; Halt by Hostelry, Rest by Foun- tain, Brussels Museum ; Cavalry Skirmish (1650), Berlin Museum ; Huntsmen with Dogs and Horse, Dresden Gallery ; Reunion after Hunt (1639), Copenhagen Gallery ; Officers by their Horses, Schwerin Gallery. Kramm, v. 1577 ; Fetis, Cat. Brussels Mu- seum, 467 ; Meyer, Gemiilde kongL Mus., 444. STORCH, FREDERIK LUDVIG, born at Kjerte in Fiinen, July 21, 1805, died in Copenhagen, Sept. 2, 1883. Genre painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy. Went in 1832 to Munich, where he remained twenty XII