Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/283

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STUBBS R. Mficdonough, ib. ; Josiah Ogclen Hoff- man, Mrs. Ogden Hoffman, ib. ; Mrs. Robert Morris, Lenox Gallery, ib. ; John Jacob As- tor, J. J. Astor, ib. ; Governor and Mrs. Winthrop Sargent (1805), Mrs. W. Butler Duncan, ib.; John Jay, Augustus Jay, ib.; John Jay, Steven Van Rensellaer, Hon. John Jay, Bedford, N. Y.; Robert Morris, Mrs. Morris, Bay Ridge, N. Y.; John R. Morris (1800), John R. Morris, Mount Morris, N. Y.; Commodore Stephen Decatur, Ly- ceum of Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Madi- son, Monroe, A. A. Low, ib.; Washington (full-length), do. (bust), Mrs. Blodgett, Mrs. Elizabeth Willing Jackson, Pennsyl- vania Academy, Philadelphia, Pa.; Com- modore John Barry, Mrs. Dr. Leiper, ib. ; Horace Binney (1800), Miss Susan Binney, ib.; Bishop William White (1798), Mrs. George H. White, ib.; General Thomas Mifflin, F. E. Dixon, Bridgewater, Pa.; Madame Patterson Bonaparte, Charles Jo- seph Bonaparte, Baltimore, Md. ; Jefferson, Madison, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. ; Thomas Callender, John Callender, Miss Calleuder, Newport, R. I.; Chief Justice Shippen of Pennsylvania, Corcoran Gal- lery, Washington ; John Singleton Copr ley, Lady Lyndhurst, London ; W. Grant of Congalton skating in St. James's Park (ascribed to Gainsborough), Lord Charles Pelham Clinton, Moor Court, Stroud ; Sir Joshua Reynolds (1784), Lord Inchiquin ; Sir Edward Thornton (2), Sir Edward Thornton, England ; Benjamin West, Na- tional Gallery, London. -Mason, Life and Works of G. S. (New York, 1879) ; Tucker- man, Book of the Artists ; Scribner's Mag., March, 1879 ; Atlantic Monthly, Dec., 1868, Reminiscences by John Neale. STUBBS, GEORGE, born in Liverpool in 1724, died in London, July 10, 1806. Son of a surgeon, from whom he inherited a love of anatomy, the study of which, in connection with art, was the occupation of his life. He was the first of the English painters to give life and motion to the pict- ures of animals. About 175-4 he visited Italy; on his return settled in London, where he became noted as an animal painter, especially of horses, and an anato- mist. In 1773 he was president of the So- ciety of Artists ; elected an A. R. A. in 1780, and R. A. in 1781, but declined the latter honour. Works : Fall of Phaeton ; Lion killing Horse ; Tiger in his Den. Redgrave ; F. de Conches, 342 ; Sandby, i. 244. STUCKELBERG, ERNST, born at Basle in 1831. Landscape and genre painter, pupil in his native city of Dietler, and in Antwerp of Dyckmans and Wappers. Studied the old masters in the Louvre in Paris ; travelled over Switzerland and Upper Italy in 1853 ; remained some time in Munich ; from 1856 lived ten years in Rome, and settled in Basle. Gold medal in Munich in 1869. Works : Forest Spring in Sabine Moun- tains ; Lady-Day in Sabine Mountains, Elijah and the Widow, Marionettes, Artist's Chil- ren, Basle Museum ; Legend of Foundation of Convent of Ober-Schonthal ; Return of St. Gall Citizens after Battle of Grandson, St. Gall Museum ; Charcoal Burners in Jura Mountains, Zurich Gallery ; Service of Chil- dren of God (1867) ; City and Country Children ; Youthful Love ; Fortune Teller ; Hermit of Maranno ; Gypsy ; Fortune Teller, Children from Abroad, Last Rha 1 - tian (1883). In fresco : Tell's Chapel. Miiller, 511 ; Kunst-Chronik, xviii. 739 ; six. 231. STUHLMANN, HEINRICH, born in Hamburg, Dec. 28, 1803, died there, Oct. 23, 1886. Landscape and genre painter, pu- pil of Gerdt Hardorff, then of Copenhagen Academy under Gebauer, and in Dresden of Dahl. Works : Storm Landscape (1830) ; Village in Winter (1837) ; Blankenese Fish- ermen (1838) ; Village Landscape on the Trave ; Village Life in Holstein, Hamburg Gallery. Andresen, iii. 60. STUHR, JOHANN GEORG, born in Hamburg in 1640, died there, May 8, 1721. German school Landscape and marine painter, and also painted some historical