Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/284

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STUNTZ pictures. Works: Sacrifice of Iphigenia, Royal Palace, Berlin ; Harbour View, Cassel Gallery ; do., Gotha Museum ; Naval Bat- tles (2), Schwerin Gallery. Nagler, xvii. 519 ; Schlie, 610. STUNTZ. See Freyberg, Elektrine von. STUELEE, FRANZ ADOLF VON, born in Paris, Feb. 28, 1802, died at VersaiUes, Sept. 16, 1881. History painter, pupil of Ingres, went in 1831 to Florence, where he remained over twenty years, zealously studying the old masters; in 1853 he re- turned to Paris, and then settled at Ver- sailles. Medal, third class, 1842. Works : Death of Brunhilde, Death of Suetonius (1835) ; Lady of Florence (1835), Madrid Museum ; Cimabue and Giotto (1838) ; Moses on the Mountain, Wrestlers (1842) ; Incredulity of Thomas (1844), Ministry of Interior, Paris ; Cimabue's Madonna carried in Procession in Florence, 1270 (1859) ; Twelve Allegories on the Events of 1870- 71 ; One hundred and eight illustrations to Dante's Divine Comedy. Ischarner, Die bild. K. in der Schweiz (1884), 59. STURM, FRITZ, born at Rostock, May 17, 1834. Marine and landscape painter ; pupil of Berlin Academy in 1859-61, of Eschke, and at Carlsruhe of Gude in 1865- 70. Made sketching tours in Sweden, Nor- way, Switzerland, Holland, and Italy. Lived in Diisseldorf in 1870-75, then moved to Berlin. Medal, London, 1872. Works : Norwegian Coast (1863), Wismar from the Sea (1864), Tempest on the Sea (1866), Ship- wreck (1868), Schwerin Gallery ; Hamburg Harbour (1866) ; Life Boats going to a Wreck (1867) ; Pilot Boat returning Home ; Crew deserting Sinking Ship ; Brig on the Norwegian Coast ; Baltic, Mediterranean Sea, National Gallery, Berlin. Jordan (1885), ii. 225 ; Muller, 511. STURMER, KARL, born in Berlin in 1803, died in March, 1881. History painter, son and pupil of Johanu Heinrich Stiirmer (1774-1855), and in Diisseldorf of Cornelius, whom he accompanied to Munich and in 1842 to Berlin. Works: Friedrich I. of Brandenburg takes Pope John XXIH. Pris- oner (1856) ; Auto da Fe of Spanish Inquisi- tion (1872). In fresco : Barbarossa's Rec- onciliation with Pope Alexander, Helldorf Castle, near Dfisseldorf ; Defeat of Ottokar at Mtthldorf, Taking of Bel- grade, Arcades of Court Garden, Munich ; Deeds of Hercules and Theseus, Old Museum, Berlin. Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 249 ; Mailer, 511. STUVEN, ERNST, born at Hamburg in 1657, died at Rotterdam in 1712. Dutch school. Flower and fruit painter, pupil in Amsterdam, whither he went in 1675, of Jan Voorhout, Willem van Aelst, and Abra- ham Mignon. Was twice imprisoned in Amsterdam, then banished from the city, and settled at Rotterdam. Works : Two Fruit-Pieces with Insects, Schwerin Gallery. Immerzeel, iii. 120 ; Schlie, 612. SUAEDI, BAETOLOMMEO. See Bra- mantino. SUBLEYEAS, PIERRE, born at Uzes (Gard), in 1699, died in Rome, May 28, 1749. French school. History painter, pupil of his father Mathieu and, at Toulouse, of Rivalz. Won the grand prix de Rome in 1727 ; went to Rome, where he married and set- tled for life. Member of Academy of St. Luke, 1740. Works : Brazen Serpent (1727), Christ in the House of the Pharisee (1739, also original sketch), Martyrdom of St. Hippolytus, Martyrdom of St. Peter, Mass of St. Basil, Emperor Theodosius receiving the Blessing of St. Ambrose, St. Benedict reviving a Child, Brother Philip's Geese, The Falcon, The Hermit, Louvre, Paris ; St. Stephen and St. Francis appearing to the Penitent, Moutpellier Museum ; Theodosius 340