Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/285

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SUESS Kneeling, Hermit, Nantes Museum ; Camal- dolensian Monk (2), Orleans Museum ; St. Joseph carrying Infant Christ, Coronation of Louis XV., Joseph interpreting the Dreams, Annunciation, Joseph's Dream, Circumcision, St. Peter Healing the Lame, Still-Life, Male Portrait, Toulouse Museum ; Portrait of Benedict XIV., Versailles Mu- seum ; Cardinal Bentivoglio, Eouen Mu- seum ; Ecce Homo, Musee Rath, Geneva ; Temptation of St. Anthony, Zdrich Gallery ; Homage to St. Januarius, Berlin Museum ; Death of Magdalen, Cassel Gallery ; Christ in the House of Simon, Dresden Museum ; A Bishop blessing a King, St. Norbert re- storing a dead Child to Life, Portrait of a Bishop, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Priest in Vestments, A Monk, Schleissheim Gallery ; The Three Magi, Adoration of the Shep- herds, Czernin Gallery, Vienna ; Emperor Valens fainting at the Mass of St. Basil (1745), Carthusian Church at Termini, Sicily ; replica in the Louvre ; do., Her- mitage, St. Petersburg; do. (in mosaic), Crucifixion, Brera Gallery, Milan. Vfflot, * Cat. Louvre ; Bellier, ii. 530 ; Cb. Blanc, Ecole francaise ; Biog. universelle. SUESS, HANS. See Eulmbach, Hans von. SUEUR. See Le Sueur. SUHRLANDT, (JOHANN) HEINRICH, born at Schwerin in 1742, died at Ludwigs- lust, Jan. 1, 1827. History, portrait, land- scape, animal, and still-life painter, pupil of the court painter Lehmann, then took up sculpture under Busch, but was induced by difang 178' Findorff (1722-72, court painter) to return to painting. Works : Portrait of Findorff (1773), Dogs (2, one dated 1773), View of Altona (1789), Still-Life (1799), Schwerin Gallery. Schlie, 93. SUHRLANDT, KARL, born at Schwer- in ; contemporary. Animal painter, son of Rudolf Suhrlandt, pupil in Paris of Ary Scheffer ; travelled for many years in Russia, where he was employed by the court, and became member of St. Petersburg Academy. Professor in Schweriu in 1874. Works : Russian Horse Dealers ; Smugglers on Rus- sian Frontier ; Regiment of Uhlans march- ing (1870) ; Cattle Herd (1874) ; Drunken Peasant driving ; Galileo in Prison (1853), Schwerin Gallery. Miiller, 512; Illustr. Zeitg. (1877), ii. 515. SUHRLANDT, RUDOLF (FRIEDRICH KARL), born at Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg, Dec. 19, 1781, died at Schwerin, Feb. 2, 1862. History and portrait painter, son and pupil of Heinrich Suhrlandt, then studied in Dresden under Schenau and Grassi, and in Vienna under Fiiger and Maurer ; went to Rome in 1808, was in Naples in 1812-15, and while there was made Mecklenburg court painter, and after his return in 1817, professor. Works : Maiden in the Grotto, Sleeping Youth (1808), Cupid and Psyche (1809), Venus teaching Cupid to bend the Bow, Venus, Vulcan, and Mars (1810), Por- trait of a Physician (1817), do. of Artist's Father (1825), Copies after Old Masters (7), Schwerin Gallery. His daughter Mrne. Pauline Sol- a r I i . tau, at first JtJilAKttndl J*l his pupil, vAoma l8lO then of Dubufe in Paris, was a genre and portrait painter. SULLY, THOMAS, born at Horncastle, Lincolnshire, England, June 8, 1783, died in Philadelphia, Nov. 5, 1872. Portrait paint- er; taken to Charleston, S. C., by his par- ents, who were comedians, in 1792 ; was first instructed by M. Belzons, a French minia- ture painter who had married his sister. In 1799 he joined his brother Laurence, a miniature painter, in Richmond, Va., and painted there and at Norfolk until Lau- 241