Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/286

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SUMMER rence's death in 1804. In 1806, having married his brother's widow, he removed to New York and lived there, excepting a short visit to Boston for instruction from Gilbert Stuart, until 1808, when he re- turned to Philadel- phia. In 1809 he went to London, studied several months under Benjamin West, and coming back in 1810, settled permanently in Philadelphia. He again visited England in 1837-38, and in the latter year painted from life a full-length portrait of Queen Vic- toria. Between 1820 and 1840 he exhibited ten portraits at the Royal Academy. Works: Com- modore Decatur, City Hall, New York ; Thomas Jef- ferson (1821), Military Academy, West Point; George Frederick Cooke as Richard III., Pennsyl- vania Academy ; Queen Victoria (1838), St. George Society, Philadelphia; Charles Kemble, Frances Ann Kemble, Rembrandt Peale, Mrs. Joseph Harri- son, ib.; Lafayette, Inde- pendence Hall ; Reverdy Johnson ; Charles Car- roll ; Dr. Benjamin Rush ; Washington crossing the Delaware, Boston Museum ; Girl offering Flowers at a Shrine, Woman at the Well, Mrs. M. O. Roberts, New York ; Isabella, Child and Dog, Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Philadelphia. Duulap, ii. 101; Tuckerman, 158 ; Appleton's Journal (1872), viii. 693 ; Hours at Home, x. 69. SUMMER, Nicolas Poussin. See Ruth and Boaz. SUMMER STORM, Titian, Buckingham Palace ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 9A in. x 3 ft. 1 in. An August squall on the borders of the Alpine country near Cadore. Painted in 1534. Probably the best of Titian's land- scapes extant C. & C., Titian, i. 396 ; Gil- bert, Cadore, 37. SUN AND MOON, CREATION OF, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Rome ; fresco on ceiling. SUONATORE. See Violinist. SUPPER AT EMMAUS, (Luke xxiv. 30, 31). Michelangelo da Caramygio, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 7 in. x G ft. 5 in. Painted for Cardinal Scipio Borghese ; from Palazzo Borghese came into possession of Lord Vernon, who pre- sented it in 1839 to National Gallery. En- graved by A. Testa ; B. Vaillant ; G. Gio- vane. Meyer, Ktinst. Lex., i. 615, 621. By Carpaccio, S. Salvatore, Venice ; can- Supper at Emmaus, Titian, Louvre, Paris. vas, figures life-size. Christ seated at table, with a disciple wearing a turban at his left, another at his right ; at each end of table a pilgrim. Painted about 1510. Commonly attributed to Giovanni Bellini, but one of the finest and most characteristic of Carpac- cio's works. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 208. By Moretto, Tosi Collection, Brescia ; can- vas, life-size. Christ behind the table, in a gray hat which overshadows his brow, is breaking the bread, while an apostle at right gazes intently at him ; a second apos-