Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/290

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SUSTERMAN mals in grass and on the water. From col- lection of Louis XIV. Landon, Musue, xiii. PI. 56 ; Villot, Cat. Louvre. By Tintoretto, Vienna Museum ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 1 in. Susanna coming out of the bath is watched by the two elders hidden in the garden. Similar picture in Madrid Museum. Engraved by J. Miinsel. By Paolo Veronese, Dresden Gallery ; can- vas, 4 ft. 2 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. Acquired in 1742 from Carignau Collection, Paris, for 4,500 livres. By Paolo Veronese, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, 6 ft. C in. square. Susanna, seated near the bath, envelops herself in her garments upon the approach of the old men ; at her feet a little dog. Copy, without the dog, in col- lection of Duke of Devonshire. Formerly in Casa Bonaldi, Venice ; bought of Jabach by Louis XIV. Engraved by E. Smith. Villot, Cat. Louvre. By Paolo Veronese, Madrid Museum ; can- vas, H. 5 ft. x 5 ft. 10 in. Susanna at the Susanna, Paolo Veronese, Madrid Museum. bath, in a garden with a marble palace in background, hastens to cover herself with a brocaded cloth at the approach of the old men. Collection of Philip IV. Cat. Madrid Museum ; Reveil, xiv. 979. Subject treated also by Guercino, Madrid Museum and Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; An- nibale Carracci, Munich Gallery ; Giovanni Biliverti, Florence Academy ; Spagnoletto, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Guido Cagnacci, Count de Briihl ; Domenico Robusti, Dres- den Gallery ; Bernardo Strozzi, Palazzo Spi- nola, Genoa ; Sir Peter Lely, Burleigh House, England ; Murillo, Madrazo Collec- tion, Madrid ; Albrecht Altdorfer (1526), Maurice Chapel, Nuremberg ; Willem van Mieris, Brussels Museum ; Pieter de Stru- del, Dresden Museum ; Noel Coypel, Mad- rid Museum ; Autoine Coypel, Louvre, Paris ; Theodore Chasseriau (Salon, 1839) ; Alexandre Longuet (Salon, 1841) ; Philippe Auguste Jeanron (Salon, 1852) ; Jean Jacques Henner (Salon, 1865) ; Frederick Goodall (Royal Academy, 1886). SUSTERMAN, LAMBERT. See Lom- bard. SUTTEE, JOSEF, born at Linz, Upper Austria, in 1782, died after 1843. History painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Fiiger, but became a strong adherent of Overbeck, whom he followed to Rome, and thence went to Munich about 1818 ; assisted Cornelius in the Glyptothek and Pinakothek, and Heinrich Hess in the Basilica. Visited Rome again before 1825 and was back in Munich before 1835. Works : Death of Mat- tathias (1809) ; The Three Divine Virtues (1816) ; Emperor Albrecht's Dog ; St. Luke (1818) ; Herodias with the Head of St. John (1825), Hagar in the Desert (1836), Stift Kremsmiinster, Upper Austria. His son and pupil Daniel, born in Vienna in 1810, became also a history painter, went with him to Munich, where he continued his studies at the Academy under Heinrich Hess, and assisted his father in the Basilica. Wurzbach, xli. 5. SUTTERMANS (Sustermans), JUSTUS (Joost), born in Antwerp, baptized Sept. 28, 1597, died in Florence, April 23, 1681. Flemish school ; portrait painter, pupil of Willem de Vos, then in Paris of Frans Pour- bus, the younger, where he spent three years before going to Italy. At Florence he was patronized by the Grand Dukes Co- simo H. and HI. and Ferdinand II. At Vi- enna (1623-24) he was warmly received by 240