Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/291

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SUVEE the emperor, whose portrait he painted, as also portraits of members of his family. Called to Home in 1C27, he painted Pope Urban VEL ; was in the emperor's service at Innsbruck in 1652-53, and returned to Florence in 1653. Friend of Rubens and Van Dyck. Works : Portraits of Vittoria della Rovere, Ferdinand II. de' Medici, Ele- onora Gonzaga (1620), Christian V. of Den- mark as Crown Prince, Emperor Ferdinand II., Prince Mattias de' Medici, Margherita de' Medici, Grand Duke Cosimo in. as a Child, Pandolfo Ricasoli, Artist's own Por- trait, Grand Ducal Family as Holy Family, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Penitent Magdalen, St. Margaret, War and Peace (1638), The Florentine Senate swearing Allegiance, Male Portrait in Swiss Costume, Portraits of Gali- leo (1636), of Puliciani, of Claudia de' Med- ici, Uffizi, ib. ; Portrait of Vittoria della Rovere, Turin Gallery ; Archduchess Clau- dia, Vienna Museum ; Portrait of Young Lady, Berlin Museum ; Portrait of Galileo, Trinity College, Cambridge ; do., Lord Methuen, Corsham Court, England ; Portrait of Alessandro Farnesc, Royal Institute, Edin- burgh. His brother Jan was his pupil, and accompanied him to Vienna, where he set- tled and was patronized by the emperor. Work : Portrait of a Matron, Vienna Mu- seum. Another brother, Cornells, was al- so in the emperor's service. Baldinucci, Opere, xii. 13 ; Fetis, Les Artistes beiges, i. 257 ; Kramm, v. 1588 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 300 ; Michiels, ix. 25 ; Rooses (Reber), 375 ; Van den Branden, 960. SUVEE, JOSEPH BENOIT, born in Bruges, Jan. 3, 1743, died in Rome, Feb. 9, 1807. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Matthias de Visch, then in Paris at the old St. Luke's corporation and at the Academy under Bachelier ; won the 2d grand prix de Rome in 1768, and the 1st in 1771 in competition with David, and stud- ied in Rome (1772-78) under Vien ; after his return to Paris he was made member of the Academy in 1780, adjunct professor in 1781, professor and director of the French Academy in Rome in 1792, but being im- prisoned during the revolutionary disturb- ances did not enter upon this position until 1801. Works : Death of Admiral Coligny (1787), Louvre ; St. Francis de Sales, Ver- sailles Gallery ; Tancred wounded recog- nizes Clorinda, Amiens Museum ; Portrait of M. Trouard, Besanyon Museum ; Tancred rescued by Clorinda, Nantes Museum ; In- vention of Drawing (1798), Artist's Portrait, two other portraits, Bruges Academy ; Mi- nerva among Rus- tics (1776), Ghent 7X3 Museum; Vestal J L>' making Fire de- scend from Heav- en ; Birth of the Virgin ; Mother of the Gracchi. His wife (nee Charlotte Louise Rameau) painted figures and min- iatures. Immerzeel, iii. 122 ; Michiels, x. 538 ; Weale, Cat. Bruges Acad., 89 ; Bellier, ii. 534 ; Jal, 1159. SUYDAM, JAMES A., born in New York in 1817, died at North Conway, N. H., Sept. 15, 1865. Landscape painter, studied under Minor C. Kellogg, with whom he travelled through Greece and Turkey ; on returning to America worked in the studios of Durand and Kensett. Elected N.A. in 1856. He was instrumental in building the present Academy in New York, and was its treas- urer until his death. He bequeathed to it the pictures known as the Suydam Collec- tion. Works : View on Long Island, Will- iam A. Reese ; Hook Mountain on the Hud- son, S. Clift ; New London Lighthouse Twilight, Olyphant Collection. Tucker- man, 540. SVOBODA, EDUARD, born in Vienna, Nov. 14, 1814. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Vienna Academy and of Friedrich Schilcher ; in great demand as a portrait painter in Vienna ; has decorated in fresco several churches in Bohemia and Hungary. Works : Va banque, Vienna Museum ; Dis- tribution of Wood (1845) ; Protest (1847) ; 47