Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/312

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THEORUS tarch says (De And. Poet., 3) represented Orestes slaying his mother and a Thamy- ris playing the Lyre. Quintilian (xii. 10, 6) gives him credit for a prolific fancy, and ^lian, speaking (V. H., ii. 44) of his picture of a Soldier rushing to Battle, says that Theon sought theatrical effect by having trumpets blown before drawing the curtain from before it. THEORUS, painter. See Theon. THEOTOCOPULI. See Greco. THERBUSCH. See lAscewska, Anna Dorothea. THERIMACHUS, painter and sculptor, about 350 B.C. No works known. Pliny, xsxv. 36 [78] ; Sillig, 198. THESEUS, pictures. See Aristolaus, Eu- phranor, Micon, Pancenus, Parrhasius. THEVENIN, CHARLES, born in Paris, July 12, 1764, died there, Feb. 21, 1838. History painter, pupil of Vincent. In 1793 won the 1st grand prix de Rome ; was direc- tor of the French School of Art in Rome for a number of years, and later keeper of Prints in Royal Library, Paris. Member of Acad- emy, 1825 ; L. of Honour, 1825. Works : Capture of the Bastilo (1793) ; Auguereau on the Bridge of Arcola (1798), Versailles Museum ; (Edipus and Antigone (1799) ; General Hey taking Gaeta (1800) ; Passage of St. Bernard (1806) ; Preparations for crossing St. Bernard (1808) ; Battle of Jena, Attack on Ratisbon, Taking of Ratisbon (1810), Surrender of Ulm (1815), Versailles Museum ; Henri IV. giving Audience to the Professors of the Royal College (1827) ; Martyrdom of St. Stephen (1827), S. Eti- enne du Mont ; Joseph recognized by his Brethren, Angers Museum ; Justification of Susanna, Douai Museum. Larousse ; Bel- lier, ii. 557 ; Cotta's Kunstblatt (1838). THEVENIN, MARIE ANNE ROSALIE, born at Lyons ; contemporary. Portrait and figure painter, pupil of Leon Cogniet and of Joseph Paris. Medals: 3d class, 1849, 1859, 1861. Works: Flora Mac Ivor and Rose Bradwardine (1848) ; Portrait of Abbe Jacquet (1859) ; Portrait of a Lady (1881). THEVENOT, ARTHUR FRANCOIS, born in Paris ; contemporary. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of iSmile Bin, Caba- nel, and of Lequien fils. Medal : 3d class, 1885. Works : Death of Antigone and Hremon (1878) ; After the Bath (1882); Mis- ery (1883) ; Portraits (1884) ; Le dejeuner, A Philosopher (1885) ; Portrait (1886). THIELE, ARTHUR, born in Dresden, June 11, 1841. Landscape and animal painter, pupil of Dresden Academy, then of Julius Hiibner and of Ludwig Richter ; studied also in Munich, and in 1868-72 at Diisseldorf. Works : Deer on Autumn Morning ; Deer in Winter ; Stag before Hunter's Statue ; Dead Hare (1864), Winter Hunt, Wood Clearing with Deer (1881), Dresden Gallery. Kaulen, 251. THIELE (Thielen), JOHANN ALEX- ANDER, born at Erfurt, March 26, 1685, died in Dresden, May 22, 1752. Landscape painter ; at first a soldier ; studied from nat- ure, and painted in water-colours. After- wards instructed in oil painting by C. L. Agricola and Manyocki, and settled in Dresden, where, in 1747, he was appointed court painter to King Augustus of Poland. Works : Landscape with Cattle and Herds- men, Aschaffenburg Gallery ; Castle on Fire, Bamberg Gallery ; View in Saxony (1740), Gotha Museum ; Evening Landscape, Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; Landscapes (15, three dated 1745, 1746, 1749), Views of Dresden (3, one dated 1747), View of Meissen (1747), Two Views in Mecklenburg (1750), Herd driven through River, Schwerin Gallery ; Landscapes (2), Rocky Cavern with Monu- ments, Animal-Pieces (3), Weimar Museum. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 566 ; Schlie. 625. THIELEN, JAN PHILIP VAN, called Rigouldts, born at Mechlin, baptized April 964