Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/313

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TIIIERRIAT 1, 1618, died at Boisschot in 1667. Flem- ish school ; flower painter, pupil of Theodor Bombouts, and of Daniel Seghers in Ant- werp, where he was master of the guild in 1641. Like Seghers, he painted garlands and flowers to enframe subjects by other artists. Works much esteemed by the King of Spain. Works : Bouquet, Lille Museum ; Garland, do. with Madonna (16G7), Antwerp Museum ; Flowers around Statuette of St. Jacob, Ma- drid Museum; Madonna with Garland (1648), Flowers (2), Vienna Museum ; Flower-Pieces in Amsterdam and Hermannstadt (1661) .. /660 Museums, and ft . Liechtenstein J J Y Gallery, Vienna A . (2, 1659). -ch. ya% Blanc, Ecole fla- Jj? mande ; Kugler v (Crowe), ii. 347 ; Immerzeel, iii. 137 ; Kramm, vi. 1623 ; Van den Brandon, 1132. THIERRIAT, AUGUSTIN ALEXAN- DEE, born at Lyons, March 11, 1789, died there, April 17, 1870. Genre, landscape, and flower painter, pupil of Revoil. Medals : 2d class, 1817, 1822. In 1827 became professor in Lyons, and gave up painting. Works : Interior of Old Cloister of St. Andre-le-Bas (1817) ; Bunch of Flowers (1820) ; Recrea- tion ; Soldier Retreating ; Religious Festi- val; Funeral of a Monk (1827). Larousse. THIERRY, JOSEPH (FRANQOIS DE- SIRE), born in Paris, March 13, 1812, died there, Oct. 11, 1866. Landscape painter and decorator, pupil of Gros, later of Phi- lastre. He is best known as a scene paint- er in partnership with Cambon, at the Grand Opera and the Opera Comique. Medals : 3d class, 1844 ; L. of Honour, 1863. Works : Party of Workmen picking up a Drunkard, Police Patrol (1853) ; Edge of a Forest, Car- avan Road (1855) ; Wandering Jew (1857) ; The Story (1859) ; Arrival of the Wedding Party, Fairies' Kingdom (1863) ; Ruins of a Temple (1865); Faust (1866). Larousse ; Meyer, Gesch., 275, 417, 510. THIERSCH, LUDWIG, born in Munich, April 12, 1825. History and genre paint- er, pupil of Munich Academy, at first in sculpture under Schwan thaler, then in paint- ing under Heinrich Hess, Schnorr, and es- pecially under Karl Schorn ; went to Rome, and in 1852 to Athens, where he painted frescos in St. Nicodemus ; returned in 1855 ; the year following was called to Vienna to decorate the Greek church there, and in 1860 to St. Petersburg to paint pictures in the chapels of Grand Dukes Nicholas and Michael and in St. Catharine's Church. Member of St. Petersburg Academy ; Ba- varian Order of St. Michael ; Greek Order of the Redeemer ; Russian Order of Stanis- laus. Works : Sakuntala (1848) ; Camisard Scene ; Charon, Entry of Bacchus into Grove of Colonos, Lament of Thetis, Baron Sina, Vienna ; Daughter of Jairus, Christ at Geth- semane (1865) ; St. Paul Preaching (1866), City Hall, Athens ; Christ at Pool of Be- thesda ; Ceres seeking her Daughter ; Christ in the Desert (1874) ; Alaric as Victor in Athens (1879); Temptation of Christ Mey- er, Conv. Lex., xvii. 894 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 435. THIRION, EUGfcNE ROMAIN, born in Paris, May 19, 1839. History and portrait painter, pupil of Picot, Fromentin, and Cabanel. Paints chiefly religious pictures. His work is admired for good modelling and fine colour. Medals : 1866, 1868, 1869 ; 2d class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1872. Works : Death of St. Mary the Egyptian (1863), Li- sieux Museum ; St. Sylvain (1864), Tours Museum ; The Levite of Ephraim cursing the City of Gaba (1865), Perpignan Muse- um ; St. Vincent (1866), Bordeaux Museum ; Perseus (1867) ; St Paul the Hermit and St. Anthony (1868) ; St. Severin distribut- ing Alms (1869) ; Eruption of Vesuvius (1872) ; Judith's Return to Bethulia (1873), Tours Museum ; Rebekah at the Well (1874); St Sebastian (1875), Ministry of Fine Arts ; Joan of Arc (1876) ; Euterpe (1880) ; Orien- tale (1881); Poet at the Source (1882); L'fipave du vengeur (1883) ; Napolitaine (1884) ; Exposure of Moses (1885), Luxem- bourg Museum. He has painted also mural 265