Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/32

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KAIBOLINI Hebbel (1855) ; Franz Liszt (1858) ; King Christian of Denmark; King Otto and Queen Amalie of Greece. Frescos : History of War and Strategy, Fame and Honour, Courage and Wisdom, Unity and Power, Arsenal, Vienna ; Myth of Paris (9, 1862), Baron Todesco, ib.; The Maiden from Afar (1864), Villa Wisgrill, Gmunden. Hottner, Carl Eahl (Vienna, 1863); Dioskuren (1863), Nos. 14-18, 30-35 ; D. Kunst-Zeitg. (1863), viii. Nos. 14-17, 33-35; Forster, v. 508; niustr. Zeitg. (1855), ii. No. 631 ; (1865), ii. 355 ; (1872), i. 139 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 175; Kolnische Zeitg. (1865), No. 203; Rainbow, Rubens, Louvre. Kunst-Chronik, i. 43, 102; ii. 55; N. fr. Presse (1865), Nos. 329, 338; Reber, ii. 207; Recensionen (1863), 3; Eiegel, D. Kunststud., 303 ; Schack, Meine Gemiilde- sammlung (1884), 176 ; Land und Meer (1865), xiv. 692 ; Unsere Zeit (1866), ii. 401 ; Wurzbach, xxiv. 230 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, i. 109 ; iii. 34 ; iv. 90, 244 ; ix. (Mittheilung- en, ii. 27) ; xii. 25, 90, 122, 217 ; xiii 115, 188, 221, 250, 316, 355. EAIBOLINI. See Francia. RAILWAY STATION, William P. Frith, Holloway Institute, Egham, near London ; canvas. Station of Great Western Railway at Paddington, at time of departure of a train. Painted in 1862 ; commissioned by Mr. Flatou for 8,000 guineas. Art Journal (1862), 95, 122. RAINBOW, Rubens, Louvre ; wood, H. 4 ft. x 5 ft. 8 in. A valley with a river crossed by two bridges, with buildings on the banks and mountains in background, spanned by a rainbow ; in foreground, shepherds, sheep, and a dog, and a couple reclining. Collec- tion of Louis XIV. Engraved by Bolswert ; Garreau in Musce francais. Ch. Blanc, licole flamande ; Cat. Louvre ; Smith, ii. 119 ; Reveil, ix. 586. RAKE'S PROGRESS, Hogarth, Soane Museum, London ; eight pictures, canvas, H. 2 ft. 1 in. x 2 ft. 6 in. They represent the career of an extravagant and dis- sipated young man, begun in falsehood and profligacy, ending in poverty, despair, and madness. 1. The Rake comes to his Fortune ; 2. The Rake as a Fine Gen- tleman ; 3. The Rake in a Bagnio ; 4. The Rake Ar- rested ; 5. The Rake's Mar- riage ; 6. The Rake at the Gaming-Table; 7. The Rake in Prison ; 8. The Rake in Bedlam. Painted in 1735. Sold in 1745 for 176 guin- eas ; bought by Sir John Soane for 598. Jameson, Hand-Book to Public Gal., ii. 565. RALLI, THEODORE JACQUES, born in Constantinople, of Greek parents ; contem- porary. Genre painter, pupil of Gerome, and of Lecomte du Nouy ; mention hon- ourable, 1885. Studio in Paris. Works : Watch by the Body of Ahmed-el-Kalib Pasha (1884); Christian Vestal (1885); Refectory of Greek Convent (1886). RAMBERG, ARTHUR GEORG VON, Baron, born in Vienna, Sept. 4, 1819, died in Munich, Feb. 5, 1875. History and genre painter and illustrator, pupil of Prague and Dresden Academies and of Julius Hu'bner ; went in 1850 to Munich, in 1860 became