Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/33

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RAMELAAR professor at the Weimar Art School, and in 1866 at the Munich Academy. His illus- trations to Goethe's Hermann and Doro- thea made him espe- cially popular. Mem- ber of Vienna and Berlin Academies; Order of Michael. Works: Henry the Fowler fighting the Huns;Dachauer Wom- en on Sunday (1855) ; Walk with the Tutor, After the Masked Ball (1858) ; Hide and Seek ; Court of Frederick H. at Palermo (1867), Maximilianeum, Munich ; After Din- ner, Morning Devotion in the Mountains (1855), New Pinakothek, ib.; Meeting on the Lake ; At the Embroidery-Frame ; In- vitation to Boating ; Reading ; Illustrations to Schiller's Poems, Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea, Voss's Luise ; Frescos in Luther- Room at the Wartburg ; Fairy Tale of the Frog King, Weimar Museum ; Girl with Goat on the Alp, Wiesbaden Gallery. Deutsche Warte, is. 447 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1875), i. 153; Kunst-Chronik, vii. 315; x. 425 ; Reber, iii. 241 ; Land und Meer (1875), i. 474, 510 ; (1877), i. 242 ; (1887), i. 31 ; Unsere Zeit (1875), ii. ; Wurzbach, xxiv. 305 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., iv. 64 ; v. 24 ; x. (Mittheilungen, iii. 41). RAMELAAR See Coninck, David de. RAMENGHL See Bagnacavallo. RAMSAY, ALLAN, born in Edinburgh in 1713, died at Dover, Aug. 10, 1784. Son of the author of "The Gentle Shepherd." Went to London about 1733, and after stud- ying in St. Martin's Lane Academy re- turned to Edinburgh, whence he set out for Italy in 1736. Studied portraiture in Rome, and on his return to London attained dis- tinction ; was vice-president of the Society of Artists in 1766, and in 1767 was appoint- ed principal painter to George HI., whose portrait he painted so many times that he was obliged to employ assistants. He died on his return from a fourth visit to Italy. Walpole praises his portrait* of women, pre- ferring some of them to those of Reynolds. Works : George HI., Queen Charlotte, Lord Chesterfield, Dr. Mead, National Portrait Gallery; David Hume, Artist's Wife, Na- tional Gallery, Edinburgh. Dutton Cooke, 123 ; Redgrave ; F. de Conches, 86 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole anglaise. RAMSAY, MILNE, born in Philadelphia, Pa.; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Bonnat in Paris, where he has long resided. Exhibits in Paris Salon and National Acad- emy, New York Works : Still-Life, Monk, Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Philadelphia ; Home of a Naturalist (1876) ; Moral Lesson ; Douce Bt'atitude ; Cromwell and his Daugh- ter Elizabeth, Bird Fanciers (1878) ; Nature Morte, Visit to the Cellar (1881). RANC, JEAN, born at Montpellier about 1674, died at Madrid, July 1 (?), 1735. French school ; history and portrait painter, . son of and first instructed by Antoine Ranc, a skilful portrait painter (still living in 1715), then pupil of Hyacinthe Rigaud ; was invited to the court of Spain in 1724, and became first painter to the king, who sent him to Portugal to paint the royal family. Works : Portrait of Louis XIV., Male Por- trait, Montpellier Museum ; Portraits of Philip V. (4), Queen Isabel Farnese (3), and five others, Madrid Museum ; others in Brunswick Museum. Bellier, ii. 341 ; Jal, 1041. RANFTL, JOHANN MATHIAS, born in Vienna, Feb. 21, 1805, died there, Nov. 1, 1854. Genre and animal painter, pupil of Vienna Academy and of Peter Krnfft ; paint- ed portraits in Moscow and St. Petersburg in 1826-27, and visited London in 1838. Works : Scene from Inundation of Pesth (1839), Museum, Vienna; Dog Family, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib.; Mid-day Rest of Mowers; Return of Apprentice (1846); Con- gratulation ; Children gathering Wood (1850) ; Hunting Booty. D. KunstbL (1854), 409 ; Wurzbach, xxiv. 328. RANKLEY, ALFRED, born in England in 1819, died in London, Dec. 7, 1872.