Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/323

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THORNDYKE Francis Joseph (1866). Wurzbach, xliv. 261 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iv. 114 ; vi. 213 ; is. (Mittheilungen, ii. 11). THORNDYKE, GEORGE QUINCY, born in Boston in 1825. Landscape and marine painter ; studied in Paris in 1847. Pro- fessional life spent in Newport. An associ- ate of the National Academy, but rarely exhibits. Works : Lily Pond ; Swans in Central Park ; The Dumplings Newport ; Wayside Inn ; View near Stoekbridge Mass.; Longwood Marshes (1885). THORNHILL, Sir JAMES, born at Mel- combe Regis in 1676, died at Thornhill, near Weyrnoutb, May 13, 1734 Pupil in London of Thomas Highmore ; was patron- ized by Queen Anne, who made him her sergeant painter. When foreign painters, such as the Riccis, Laguerre, and La Fosse, were patronized, and native talent decried, he decorated walls and ceilings of public and private buildings with mythological and historical compositions, for which he was but poorly remunerated at so much per square yard. Of these the most important are eight compartments of the cupola at St. Paul's, the great hall at Blenheim, the ceil- ing and walls of the hall at Greenwich Hospital, and a saloon and hall at Moor Park, Herts. His Finding of the Law, an easel picture, is at All Souls' College, Ox- ford. His portrait of Sir Isaac Newton in his Old Age belongs to Lord Portsmouth. In 1720 he was knighted by George I., the first native painter, it is said, to receive that distinction. In 1724 he endeavoured to found a Royal Academy of Art, and failing, opened a drawing academy in his own house. Taylor, Fine Arts in Great Britain (London, 1841) ; Redgrave ; Sandby, i. 13 ; Portfolio (1872), 66. THREE AGES, Lorenzo Lotto, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; wood, H. 2 ft. x 2 ft. 6 in. Three figures, half-length, the middle one a youth in a black cap, with a sheet of music in his hand ; to right, a middle-aged bearded man ; to left, a bald-headed, gray-bearded man. Look like portraits ; handled with Giorgionesque skill. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 502 ; Gal. du Pal. Pitti, i. PL 47. By Titian, Bridgewater House, London ; canvas, figures less than life-size. A shepherd lover beneath a tree is taught by a maiden crowned with flowers to place his fingers on the stops of the reed-pipe ; in the middle ground Cupid stepping over the forms of two sleeping children ; in the distance an old man dreaming over a pair of skulls on the ground. Painted about 1518 for Gio- vanni di Castelli, a gentleman of Faenza ; passed through the hands of the Cardinal of Augsburg into the collection of Queen Christina of Sweden ; thence into the Or- leans Collection, from which purchased by the Duke of Bridgewater. Copies in Pa- lazzo Doria and Palazzo Borghese, Rome ; another belonging to Earl Dudley. En- graved by Ravenet. Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 435; C. & C., Titian, i. 204; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 31 ; Cab. Crozat, ii. PI. 145. THREE VIRTUES, Raphael. See Pru- dence., Fortitude, and Temperance. THUILLIER, PIERRE, born at Amiens, June 17, 1799, died there, Nov. 19, 1858. Landscape painter, pupil of Watelet and of Gudin, and a close student of nature. Medals : 3d class, 1835 ; 2d class, 1837 ; 1st class, 1839 ; L. of Honour, 1843. Works : Valley of the Drac, Ruins of Castle of Champ (1835), Amiens Museum ; Entrance to a Forest in the Ardennes (1836), Lyons Museum ; Rocks of Freilly (1836), Amiens Museum ; Timber near Chateau Ronard, Boulogne-sur-Mer Museum ; Ancient Abbey of Doue (1837), Due d'Aumale ; Castle and Bridge of Voute-sur-Loire (1838), Puy Mu- seum ; Ancient Tiburtine Road near Tivoli (1843); The Puyen-Velay (1844); River Duralle near Thiers (1845), Lyons Museum; Elbiar near Algiers, Spring in the Moun- tains of the Var (1848) ; Pasture in the Mountains of Dauphiny (1853), bought by Napoleon HI. ; Lake of Annecy (1854), Geneva Museum ; Valley of Thuily in Dau- phiny. His daughter Louise (Mme. Mor- nard), born at Amiens in 1829, is also a 2T1