Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/324

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THULDEN landscape painter. Medal, 3d class, 1847. Works: Entrance to Desert; Views in North Africa ; Fog on Coast of Normandy (1857) ; Portraits of Arab Sheiks. Meyer, Gesch., 767. THULDEN (Tulden), THEODOKUS VAN, born at Bois-le-Duc, baptized Aug. 9, 1G06, died there about 1G76. Flemish school; history and genre painter, pupil of Abraham Blyenberch and of Kubens ; master of Antwerp guild in 1G25, its dean in 1G39-40 ; spent some time in Paris (about 1632-34 and 1647), worked at Lux- embourg and Fontainebleau ; returned to Antwerp in 1635, and married the daughter of Henry van Balen ; called to The Hague in 1G48, to decorate the Palace in the Wood. Works : Christ appearing to the Virgin, Louvre ; do. (1GGO), Copenhagen Gallery ; Time and the Fates, Mystical Subject (1647), Grenoble Museum ; Martyrdom of St. Adrian, St. Michael's, Ghent ; Mother's Jewels (1647), Museum, Tournay ; Christ on his Way to Calvary, Cathedral, ib. ; Two Sketches for Triumphal Arch, Antwerp Mu- seum ; Christ at the Pillar, Flemish Wed- ding, Brussels Museum ; Triumph of Gala- tea, Berlin Museum ; Game Vender, Peasant Woman with Fruit Basket (both with Jan Fyt), Darmstadt Museum ; Marriage of St. Catherine, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg; Thetis wreathing Peleus (1664), Amalien- stift, Dessau; Finding of Moses, David bringing the Head of Goliath to Jerusalem, Schwerin Gallery ; Reconciliation of Jacob and Esau, Visitation, Allegory (1654), Muse- um, Vienna ; A Tri- umphal Progress, o C7 Herodias with Head TvT. M.**?. of St. John, Liech- T v cun T u&) w, tenstein Gallery, ib. ; lCj2. Christ in the House , . of Simon, Wiesba- u.Ue* den Gallery ; Or- <yx. </ c '-'4$ J J pheus charming the Animals, Discovery of Purple, Madrid Museum. Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Kramm, vi. 1620 ; Kugler , jX/J^ , (Crowe), ii. 311; Michiels, viii. 116; Van den Branden, 771 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xiv. 342. THUMANN, PAUL, born at Tschacks- dorf, Lusatia, Oct. 5, 1834. Genre painter and illustrator, pupil of Berlin and (under Julius Hiib- ner) Dresden Academies ; worked in Leipsic as an illustrator in 1860-63, then studied in Weimar under Pauwels ; visited Italy (1865), England (1866), and France (1867), and became professor at the Weimar Art School in 1866, at Dresden Academy in 1872, and at Berlin Academy in 1875. Gold medal, Berlin, 1879. Works : Departure of the Bride (1868) ; Luther's Wedding, Barn- berg Art Union ; Squire George with the Swiss Students at Jena ; Four Scenes in Life of Luther, Wartburg near Eisenach ; Return of the Germans after Battle in Teu- toburg Forest (1883), Baptism of Wittekind (1884), Gymnasium, Minden ; Inattentive Scholar, Stettin Museum ; Illustrations to Goethe's "Wahrheit und Dichtung," Cha- misso's and Heine's Poems, Voss's "Luise," Shakespeare's " Midsummer Night's Dream," Tennyson's "Enoch Arden." Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 314 ; Graph. K., ii. 49, 94 ; Kunst-Chronik, xxi. 4 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., six. 19 ; xxi. 38. THUSNELDA. See Germanicus. THYS (Tyssens), PEETER, the elder, born in Antwerp in 1624, died there between June 2, 1677, and Feb. 14, 1679. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, in man- ner of Van Dyck, pupil of A. Deurwaerder. Master of the guild in 1644-45, and dean in 1660. His historical pictures also show the influence of Gaspard de Craeyer. Was painter to the Emperor Leopold. Works : Apparition of Christ, Apparition of the Vir- gin, St. Francis receiving Indulgence, Icarus and Daedalus, Two Portraits, Antwerp Mu- seum ; Adoration of the Host, St. James's 272