Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/327

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TIEPOLO other noted persons ; afterwards devoted himself to water-colours, and in 1858 be- came ;ut associate and in 1859 a full mem- ber of the Institute of Painters in Water Colours. Works: Feast of Roses (1859, bought by Queen) ; Queen Mab (1860) ; Dar Thule (1861) ; Christ blessing Little Children, Saxou Captives at Rome (1863) ; Night of the Betrayal (1864) ; Sardanapalus (1870) ; Seaweeds, Flowers of the Forest (1871); Castles in the Air (1872). His brother, Arthur Tidey (born, 1808), is a miniature painter. TIEPOLO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, born in Venice, April 16, 1696, died in Ma- drid, Mar. 27, 1770. Venetian school; pupil of Gregorio Lazzarini; after- wards influenced by Giovanni Battista Piazzetta, and still more by Paolo Vero- nese, whose equal he was reputed to be, in the decadence of Vene- tian art, though he was very far from being so as a colourist. But he has been rightly called the last great decorative painter of the Venetian school. After painting frescos in Milan and other Italian cities, he went to Wurzburg in 1750, and on his return to Venice (1753) was appointed first director of the Academy of Painting. In 1761 he was called to Spain by Charles in., became a favourite at the court of Madrid, and exe- cuted, with the assistance of his son, Gio- vanni Domenico (born, 1726, died after 1777), frescos in the royal palace with such success as to excite the jealousy of Raphael Mengs, then court painter. Tiepolo pro- duced some showy pictures, of which one of the best is the Banquet of Cleopatra, Her- mitage, St. Petersburg. Other works : Last Supper, Louvre ; Martyrdom of St. Agatha, three others, Berlin Museum; Christ institut- ing the Eucharist (1753), Copenhagen Gal- lery ; Baptism of Clovis, Darmstadt Muse- um ; Presentation in the Temple, Dresden Museum ; Wedding of Noble Lady, Stadel Gallery, Frankfort ; Adoration of the Magi (1753), Two Scenes in the Story of Iphige- m'a, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Conception, Last Supper, Car of Venus, Madrid Muse- um ; Glory of Spain, Royal Palace, Madrid ; Triumph of Aurelian, Turin Gallery ; Crown- ing with Thorns, Triumph of Ferdinand HI., New York Museum ; Finding of Moses, National Gallery, Edinburgh ; Saints in Adoration, Verona Gallery ; Ferdinand over- throwing the Moors, Buda-Pesth Gallery ; Diana and Apollo on Clouds, Diana on Clouds, Angels floating on Clouds, Dul- wich Gallery. Ch. Blanc, ficole venitienne ; Dohnie, 2iii.; Burckhardt, 270, 751, 776, 799; Cat. Dulwich Gal. (London, 1880), 164 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xi. (Mittheilungeu, iv. 43) ; xiv. 161, 198 ; xviii. 232. TEESENHAUSEN, PAUL VON, Baron, born at Idser, Esthouia, Jan. 10, 1837, died in Munich, Nov. 24, 1876. Marine painter, pupil in Munich of Milluer, then of the Academy and of Lier. Works: Sea Har- bour at Nightfall, Stuttgart Museum ; Ebb- Tide ; Norse Night ; View in Heligoland ; Coast of Esthouia ; Agitated Sea ; Bomar- sund ; Ebb in North Sea. Illustr. Zeitg. (1876), ii. 488 ; Kuust-Chronik, xii. 364. TIFFANY, LOUIS COMFORT, born in New York, Feb. 18, 1848. Figure, laud- scape, and decorative painter pupil of, In- ness, Colman, and in Paris of Loon Belly ; he has sketched and painted in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Africa, France, and England. Member of Society of American Artists. Elected an A.N.A. in 1871 ; N.A., 1880. Studio in New York, where he devotes himself largely to decorative painting. Works in oil : Dock Scene Youkers (1869); S75