Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/328

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TILBORCH Fruit Vender under the Sea- Wall at Nas- sau (1870) ; Street Scene in Tangier (1872); Market Day outside the Walls Tangier (1873) ; Study at Quimper Brittany (1877); Duane Street New York (1878) ; Algerian Caravan, F. Harper, New York ; Harvesting (1879) ; Bow-Zarea Algiers ; Gray Day Mentone (1880) ; Eeaper (1881) ; Old Fort St. Augustine, Study at St. Augustine (1883). Water-colours: Meditation (1872) ; Merchant of the East (1874); Shop in Switzerland, Old and New Mosques at Cairo, Lazy Life in the East (1876) ; Pal- ace of the Pasha Ali Ben Hassein -Algiers (1877) ; Cobblers at Boufarik, Market Day Morlaix (1878). Sheldon, 177. TILBORCH (Tilborgh, Tilburg), EGIDI- US or GILLES VAN, born in Brussels in 1G25, died about 1G78 (?). Flemish school ; genre painter, supposed pupil of David Teniera the younger ; master of the Brus- sels guild in 1654, its president in 1663 -64. He was a close imitator of Brouwer. Works : Cavalcade of Princes, Brussels Mu- seum ; Village Fete, Lille Museum ; Eepast of Painters, Hague Museum ; Flemish In- terior, Rotterdam Museum ; Cobbler's Re- past, Copenhagen Gallery ; Boy stealing Purse from Man's Pocket, Darmstadt Mu- seum ; Dutch Wedding, Dresden Gallery ; Bagpiper, Hautboy Player, Gotha Muse- um ; Peasants at the Inn (1657), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Tavern Scenes (2), Old Pinako- thek, Munich; Repast in Open Air, Oldenburg Gallery ; Guard- Room ; Company f Peasants, Smoker, Rustic Meal, Hermitage, SL Petersburg ; Old Woman with Basket, Czernin Gallery, Vienna. Charles Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Kramm, vi. 1633 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 329 ; Michiels, is. 183. TILENS (Tilen), JAN, born in Antwerp, baptized April 6, 1589, died there, July 25, H 1630. Flemish school ; landscape painter, in the manner of Lucas van TJden, probably identical with Hans Tielens, master of Ant- werp guild in 1612. Works : Valley with Diana and Nymphs, Berlin Museum ; Moun- tainous Landscape, Vienna Museum. Meyer, Gemiilde kongl. Mus., 463 ; Van den Brandeu, 657. TILIUS, JAN VAN, born at Bois-le-Duc, beginning of 17th century, died after 1681. Dutch school ; genre painter, pupil of P. van Slingelandt and of Caspar Netscher. Works : Woman offering a Rose to a Man, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck; Bagpiper (1680), Vienna Museum ; Young Woman Sewing (1681), Dresden Gallery. Kramm, vi. 1633. TILTON, JOHN ROLLIN, born in Lou- don, N. H., in 1833. Landscape painter, self-taught. Professional life spent in Italy, where he has studied chiefly the Venetian masters. Has exhibited in London (1871), New York, and Boston. Studio in Rome. Works : Venetian Fishing Boats ; Palace of Thebes (1873) ; Lagoons of Venice (1876) ; Como, Venice, Martin Brimmer, Boston ; Rome from the Aventine (1878), Corcoran Gallery, Washington ; Island of Philse, Sam- uel Hawk Collection, New York. Tucker- man, 558 ; Graves, 234. TIM^NETUS, painter, date unknown. His pictures of a Wrestler, and a Water- Carrier, in a building near the Propylaea, Athens, are mentioned by Pausanias (i. 22, n TIMAGORAS, Greek painter, of Chalcis, latter half of 5th century B.C. He defeated Pancenus in a pictorial competition at the Pythian Games, and celebrated his victory in a poem. Pliny, xxxv. 35 [58]. TIMANTHES, a celebrated Greek paint- er, contemporary and rival of Zeuxis and Parrhasius, native of Cythnus, about 400 B.C. Pliny says (xxxv. 36 [74]) that his pict- ures suggested more than they actually ex- pressed, and showed a genius even greater than the art with which they were paint- ed. Five only of his works are known : The 276