Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/345

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TRAUT the funeral procession. Cardinal cle' Med- ici, who became Clement VII. in 1523, sent Sebastiano's picture to Narbonne and placed the Transfiguration over the high altar in S. Pietro in Montorio, whence the French took it in 1797 to Paris, where it was cleaned and restored ; returned in 1815 and placed in Vatican, where it hangs oppo- site the Last Communion of St. Jerome, by Domenichino. Many reproductions ; copy in black chalk, by Casanova, in South Ken- sington Museum. Many studies ; several sketches in Oxford Collection. Engraved by J. Chereau ; C. Cort ; N. Dorigny ; A. P. Tardieu ; B. Eredi ; E. Morghen ; S. Thomassin ; S. Vallu ; Desnoyers ; and oth- ers. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 371 ; Passavant, ii. 290 ; Milntz, 537 ; Jameson, History of Our Lord, i. 342 ; C. & C. Raphael, ii. 486 ; Springer, 359 ; Liibke, Rafael, 142 ; Gut- bier, i. PI. 91 ; Filhol, x. PI. 715 ; Musue fran.9ais, i. ; Landon, Musee, iii. PL 69 ; Perkins, 189 ; Ch. Blanc, cole ombri- enne. By Titian, S. Salvatore, Venice ; canvas, figures life-size. Christ just leaving the earth, which his right foot still touches ; Moses on left, Elias on right, and three apostles watching in foreground. Painted about 1565. Shows marks of assistants ; injured by repainting. Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 449 ; Ridolfi, Maraviglie, i. 267 ; C. & C., Titian, ii. 352. TRAUT, HANS, 15th century in Nurem- berg. German school ; mentioned in the burgher roll of 1477. He was a follower of Wolgemuth, though his style differed less than his from that of the earlier Nu- remberg school. Work : St. Sebastian, Uni- versity of Erlangen. Thausing (Eaton), i. 91 ; W. & W., ii. 123. TRAUTMANN, JOHANN GEORG, bom at Zweibrilcken in 1713, died in Frankfort in 1769. German school ; history, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of F. F. Bellon, then in Frankfort of Schlegel and of Kiese- wetter ; became court painter to the Elec- tor Palatine in 1761 ; painted jolly peas- ant scenes in the manner of Brouwer, Ostade, Teniers, etc., and bearded heads in Rem- brandt's style. Works : Conflagration, Male Head with Turban, Female do., Casscl Gal- lery ; Conflagration, Stiidel Gallery, Frank- fort ; do., Augsburg Gallery. Nagler, xis. 54. TRAVI, ANTONIO, born at Sestri, near Genoa, in 1613, died in Genoa in 1668. Genoese school ; sometimes called from his deafness II Sordo di Sestri. Colour-grinder to Bernardo Strozzi, who gave him instruc- tion ; afterward studied under Gottfried Waals or Waels, a Flemish landscape paint- er settled in Genoa. Acquired considerable reputation as a landscape painter in Genoa, where most of his works are. Lanzi, iii. 272 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole genoise. TRAYER, JEAN BAPTISTE JULES, bora in Paris in 1824. Genre painter, pupil of his father and Le- quien. Paints fami- ly scenes in which the heads are of su- perior merit. Med- als: 3d class, 1853, 1855. Works : Last Bunch of Grapes, Empty Basket, Last Look, Interiors (1848) ; Shakespeare listen- ing to the reading of one of his Plays in the Crown Tavern, Leonardo da Vinci and his Pupils (1850) ; Girl Sewing, Woman Spinning, The Lesson in Embroidery (1853) ; Sewing School, Too much Work (1855) ; Retinue, Grain Market (1857) ; Se- renity (1859) ; Tapestry, Prayer, Anxiety (1861) ; First Sighs, Public Garden (1863) ; Gathering Mussels at Dieppe (1864) ; Inte- rior in Savoy, Twins (1865) ; Pancake Seller (1866), Luxembourg Museum ; Alphabet (1868) ; Girls' School, Two Sisters (1869) ; Sisters of Charity (1870) ; Seamstresses of Ponfc-Aven (1872) ; A Little Sunlight (1873) ; Seamstresses (1874) ; Young Woman and Child (1875) ; Treport Fishwives waiting for Low Tide (1879) ; Dozing (1882) ; Cou- 293