Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/346

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TKEES carneau Cloth Shop on Market Day (1883) ; At Concarneau (1884) ; Bag Market (1886) ; Young Lady cutting her Nails, Ravene Gal- lery, Berlin. Bellier, ii. 588 ; Meyer, Gesch., G35, 693. TEEES AND PLANTS, CREATION OF, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel, Rome ; fresco on ceiling. TREGO, WILLIAM THOMAS, born at Yardley, Bucks County, Penn., Sept. 15, 1859. Figure painter, pupil of the Penn- sylvania Academy, where he was awarded the first Charles Toppan prize in 1882 and the Temple silver medal in 1883. Studio in Philadelphia. Works : United States Cavalrymen, T. B. Clarke, New York ; Bat- tery en Route (1882), Pennsylvania Acad- emy, Philadelphia ; The Pursuit (1884), Je- rome B. Wheeler, New York ; Battery Halt ! (1886), Mr. Gibbons, ib. TREIDLER, ADOLF, born in Berlin in 1846. Genre painter, pupil of Berlin Acad- emy under Daege, and of Julius Schrader ; won the prize for Rome in 1872, and trav- elled in Germany and Italy in 1873-74. Medal, Vienna, 1873. Works: Electress Elizabeth taking Communion after Protes- tant Rite (1872) ; Francis I. declining Con- ditions of Peace by Charles V. (1877) ; In Ischia (1884) ; Love Song (1885). Rosen- berg, Berl. Malersch., 250 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, ix. 64 ; xx. 41 ; Kunst-Chronik, xx. 748. TREML, FRIEDRICH, born in Vienna, Jan. 8, 1816, died there, June 13, 1852. Military genre painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Fendi ; worked from 1849 almost exclusively for the Emperor Francis Joseph, who possesses his best pictures. Works : Procession of Corpus Christi (1841) ; Marching out of Garrison (1844) ; Reception of Consecrated Church Bell (1846) ; Smug- glers in danger of Discovery (1847) ; Old Peasant dreaming of Battle of Aspern (1849), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Recruit (1851) ; Return from Golden Wedding (1852) ; Old Peasant dreaming of Battle of Aspern, Munich Gallery. Wurzbach, xlvii. 120. TREMOLLIERE (Trimolieres), PIERRE CHARLES, born at Cholet in 1703, died in Paris, May 11, 1739. French school ; genre painter, pupil of Jean Baptiste van Loo. Won the sec- ond grand prix de Rome in 1726 ; after living in Rome six years returned and painted altarpieces for Lyons, and met with much success. Became a member of the Academy (1737), and assistant professor. Works : Adoration of the Shepherds, Lyons Museum; Springtime, Au- tumn, Hermitage, * f St. Petersburg. D f T Bellier, ii. 590 ; Ch. 1 <~ if^nW I Blanc, licole fran9aise ; Mariette, Abeceda- rio, v. 345. TRENKWALD, JOSEF MATHIAS, born in Prague in 1824. History painter, pupil of Ruben at Prague and Vienna Academies, also influenced by Rahl, then studied in Rome, 1856-62, after the masters of the 15th cen- tury ; became director of Prague Academy in 1865 and professor at Vienna Academy in 1872. Member of Vienna Academy in 1866. Order of Francis Joseph, 1879; Papal Order of Gregory. Works : Peasants in Flight (1845), Scene in Peasants' War (1848), Gallery, Prague ; Death of Charles XH. (1847), Count Clam-Gallas, ib. ; Battle of Lippa (1849) : SS. Cyril and Methodius (1861) ; Annunciation and Assumption, in Missale Romanum for Pope Pius IX. (1863) ; Defence of Last Wagon-Bulwark by the Hussites (1868) ; Entry of Leopold the Glo- rious into Vienna in 1219 (1872), Vienna Museum ; Transfiguration of Christ ; Life of Mary (1883). In fresco : Arrival of St. Adelbert's Relics in Bohemia (1852), Abdi- cation of Vladislav (1854), Foundation of Prague University (1855), Battle of the Hus- 294