Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/347

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TREU sites (1862), Belvedere, Prague ; Christ in Glory, Mary with the Apostles, Scenes in Life of St. Pascalis (1864-65), Burial Chapel, Baron Revoltella, Trieste ; Theological Vir- tues, and Fathers of the Church (1865-67), Academic Gymnasium, Vienna ; Cycle (1869 -77), Karolinenthal Church, Prague. In tempera : Development of "Worship of Mary (1883-85), Choir Chapels, Votivkirche, Vien- na. Wurzbach, xlvii. 156 ; Kunst-Chronik, xix. 59 ; xx. 380 ; Oesterr. K. Chr., i. 23, 152 ; ii. 26 ; iii. 14. TREU (Trey), (JOHANN) NIKOLAUS, boru at Bamberg in 1734, died at Wtlrzburg in 1786. German school ; history and por- trait painter, son and pupil of Marquard Treu, then in Paris pupil of Carle Van Loo and of Pierre ; returned to Wtlrzburg, then spent several years in Rome, where he painted Pope Pius VI. and won a prize of the Acade- my of San Luca. Court painter at Wiirzburg. Works : Romulus killing Remus, Little Boy firing Pistol, St. Francis in Prayer, Portrait of his Sister Katharina, Child with Fruits and Bouquets (flowers and fruits in last two by Katharina), Bamberg Gallery ; Abraham and Sarah, Dominican Church, Wurzburg ; do., and Judith before Holof ernes, Gallery, ib. Nagler, xix. 73. TREU, (JOSEF) CHRISTOPH, born at Bamberg in 1739, died there in 1798. Ger- man school ; landscape and marine painter, son and pupil of Marquai'd Treu. Having won considerable reputation at Stuttgart in 1765, he was called to Bruchsaal by the Prince Bishop von Hutten, for whom he painted at the castles in the principality of Speyer ; then studied, travelling in Germany, Flanders, and Holland ; became court paint- er to the elector at Cologne, returned to Bamberg in 1771, and in 1780 was made inspector of the Pommersfelden Gallery. "Works : River Landscapes with Cattle, etc., View of the Rhine near Bingen, Harbour with many Vessels, Dead Birds in a Land- scape, Bamberg Gallery. Nagler, xix. 72. TREU, KATHARINA, born at Bamberg in 1742, died at Mannheim in 1811. Ger- man school ; flower and still-life painter, daughter and pupil of Marquard Treu (1712-96), painted already at ten years of age, then studied at the DUsseldorf Acad- emy, became court painter to the Elector Charles Theodore at Mannheim in 1769, and professor at DUsseldorf Academy in 1776. Works : Fruit and Flower-Pieces (5), Bam- berg Gallery ; Fruit-Piece, Carlsruhe Gal- lery ; do., Darmstadt Museum ; do., Stutt- gart Museum. Nagler, xix. 71. TREU (Trey), MARQUARD, born at Bamberg in 1712, died there in 1796. Ger- man school ; history, portrait, landscape, animal, and still-life painter, pupil of Niko- laus Grooth (died in 1797), and of Lorenz Theisinger ; became inspector of the Pom- mersfelden Gallery in 1766. Works: Grapes and Flowers, Augsburg Gallery ; Three Chemists around a Table, Three Scholars instructing a Boy by a Globe, Bamberg Gal- lery. Nagler, xix. 73. TREVISANI, FRANCESCO, born at Capo d'Istria, April 9, 1650, died in Rome, July 30, 1746. Venetian-Roman school ; history and portrait painter, son of Antonio Trevisani (architect), and pupil at Venice of Antonio Zanchi. He went to Rome about the close of the 17th century and lived there the remainder of his life. Works : Sleep of Jesus, Louvre, Paris ; Repose of Diana, Rennes Museum ; The Dead Christ carried by Angels, Vienna Museum ; Massacre of Innocents, Holy Family, Repose in Egypt, Madonna and St. John, Madonna and St. Elizabeth, Christ in Garden of Olives, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Francis in Ecstasy, Dresden Museum ; Magdalen Penitent, Leip- sic Museum ; St. Sebastian, Old Pinako- thek, Munich ; Holy Family, Oldenburg Gallery ; Diana and Endymiou, Triumph of Galatea, do. of Venus, Artist's Portrait, Cassel Gallery ; Archangel Michael overthrowing Satan, Portrait of a Bishop, Schleissheim Gal- lery ; Madonna, Uffizzi, Florence ; Antony and Cleopatra, Palazzo Spada, Rome. Ma- riette, Abecedario, v. 348 ; Reale gall, di Firenze, iv. 147. ate