Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/434

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VILLEGAS Works : The Christening, Dream of the Arabian Nights, William H. Vanderbilt, New York ; Armourer's Shop, Miss C. L. Wolfe, ib. ; Spanish Scene, August Belmont, ib.; Bull Fighters, J. H. Stebbins, ib.; Rare Vase, Cornelius Vanderbilt, ib.; Turkish Shoe-Shop, J. P. Morgan, ib.; Devotional Scene, D. O. Mills, ib.; Armourer's Shop, E. L. Cutting, ib.; Poultry Market in Tan- gier, Cairo Slipper Merchant (1872), W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; Marriage of Doge Fos- cari (1885). VILLEGAS MAEMOLEJO, PEDRO DE, born in Seville in 1520, died there in 1597. Spanish school ; supposed to have studied VINCENT, FRANgOIS ANDREA born in Paris, Dec. 30, 1746, died there, Aug. 3, 1816. History painter, son of Francois Elie Vincent (1708-90, miniature painter) ; pupil of Vien. Won the grand prix in 1768, and studied three years in Rome. Member of Academy in 1782, professor in 1792 ; chevalier of Legion of Honour, and pro- fessor in the ficole polytechnique. Works : Belisarius asking Alms ; Alcibiades and Socrates ; St. Jerome (1777), Montpellier Museum ; President Mole seized by Rioters (1779) ; Combat of Romans and Sabines in- terrupted by Sabine Women (1781), Angers Museum ; Ccecinna Pcetus exhorted by his Wife Arria to kill himself (1785), Amiens Museum ; Henri IV. meeting Sully wounded (1786), Zeuxis choosing Girls of Crotona for Models (1789), Louvre; William Tell upsetting the Boat conveying Gesler (1795), Toulouse Museum ; Lesson in Field Labour, Bordeaux Museum ; Por- trait of Bishop de Jarente (1787), Orleans Museum ; do. of the Painter Houe'l, Rouen Museum; David Victor over Goliath, Valen- ciennes Museum. His wife, Mme. Adelaide Vincent in Rome, as his pictures are reminiscent of (born, 1749, Labille des Vertus, married Raphael and of the best traditions of the first M. Guyard, and died, 1803), was a por- Village Politicians, Sir David Wilkie, Earl of Mansfield. Roman school. Among his works, which are rare, are : Visitation, Seville Cathedral ; St. Lazarus, Hospital of the Lazarists, near Seville ; Annunciation, Madonna, S. Lor- enzo, Seville. Stirling, i. 319 ; Ch. Blanc, cole espagnole. VILLOLDO, JUAN DE, died after 1551. Spanish school ; pupil of his uncle, Alonzo Perez de Villoldo, a scholar of Juan de Bor- gofia. Painted in 1547-48 a series of forty- five works on sacred subjects for the Carba- jal Chapel in S. Andres, Madrid. Stirling, i. 148. trait painter of repute. Bellier, ii. 690 ; Ch. Blanc, I5cole francaise ; Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Meyer, Gesch., 55, 78 ; Larousse. VINCENT, ST., Fra Bartolommeo, Flor- ence Academy ; wood. Painted about 1515 for S. Marco, Florence. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 189 ; C. & C., Italy, iii. 468. VINCENZO DA SAN GIMIGNANO, born in San Gimignano, April 10, 1492, died there after 1529. Roman school. Real name Tamagno, son of Bernardo ; called by Vasari a disciple and friend of Raphael, whom he assisted in the Vatican about 1512. 370