Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/435

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VINCENZO Won the commendation of Raphael and executed other works in Rome, none of which are existing. After Raphael's death he returned to San Gimignano, where he painted in 1522 a Madonna with Saints. He was again in Rome in 1527, when the city was sacked, and went thence to Montalcino, where he painted for the oratory of the con- vent of S. Rocco the Madonna del Soccorso, now in the Church of the Soccorso. In 1528 he painted for S. Stefano d" Ischia, near Grosseto, St. Joachim and St. Anna. His last known work, dated 1529, is a Ma- donna with Saints, in the Chapel of S. Nic- colo di Tolentino. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 489 ; Ch. Blanc, cole ombrienne. VINCENZO DA TREVISO. See Catena. VLNCHON, AUGUSTE (JEAN BAP- TISTE), born in Paris, Aug. 5, 1789, died at Ems, Nassau, Aug. 1C, 1855. History and portrait painter, pupil of Gioacchino Serangeli, of David, and the cole des Beaux Arts ; won the second prix de Rome in 1813, and the first in 1814. L. of Hon- our, 1828. Medal, 2d class, 1855. Works : Diagoras carried in Triumph by his Sons (1814), l5cole des Beaux Arts, Paris ; Devo- tion of young Mazet (1822), Lazaretto, Mar- seilles ; Death of Comola (1824) ; Jeanne d'Arc (1824), Orleans Museum ; Greek Sub- ject (1830), Amiens Museum ; Coronation of Charles VH. at Reims (1837), Entry of the French into Bordeaux 1451 (1838), Opening of the Session of Chambers by Louis XVHL (1841), Enlisting of Volun- teers (1849), Two Portraits, Versailles Mu- seum ; Achille de Harlay (1843) ; The States General under Philip the Fair 1302 (1846) ; Episode in History of Venice (1847), formerly in Luxembourg Museum ; Martyrs in the Time of Diocletian (1852) ; Achille de Harlay and the Due de Guise (1854) ; Grisailles in Salles 4, 7, 8, and 9 of Musee Charles X., Louvre, Paris ; Presenta- tion of the Virgin, Notre Dame de Lorette, ib.; Abundance rewarding Industry, Truth exposing Fraud, and six grisailles : City of Paris, Agriculture, etc., Palais de la Bourse, ib. In fresco : Two Episodes in Life of St. Maurice, Angels decorating the Vault from which the Souls of the Thebaiau Legion soar to Heaven (1822), St. Maurice's Chapel, Saint Sulpice, Paris. Ballard, Not. sur les peint. a fresque, etc. (Paris, 1822) ; Bellier, ii. 692 ; Meyer, Gescb,, 431 ; Rev. univ. des arts, i. 475. VINCI, LEONARDO DA, born at Vinci, Val d' Arno, near Florence, *%' in 1452, died at the Chateau de Clot or Cloux, near Arnboise, May 2, 1519. Florentine school. Natu- ral son of Sor Piero d' Anto- nio, Florentine notary ; pupil of Andrea del Verrocchio, with whom he was associated as late as 1476. The bright angel which he painted in his master's picture of the Baptism of Christ, Florence Academy, the Medusa Head, at the Uffizi (if indeed it be the original, and not, as has been conject- ured, the work of Lomazzo), are the only extant works of the earlier period of his life, which closed in 1483, when ho wrote the famous letter to Lodovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, whose statement of universal capacity was in his case literally true. It led to his appointment as court painter, director of the newly founded Academy of Arts, gen- eral organizer of fetes in which art played a conspicuous part, and manager of all enter- prises in which a knowledge of hydraulics, engineering, and general science was neces- sary. For the Duke he executed the famous wall-painting of the Last Supper (1495-98), in S. M. delle Grazie, and modelled an equestrian statue, never cast, of his father, Francesco Sforza, and with him he remained until Lodovico was overthrown by the French (1499), and sent to France to die in a dungeon at the Castle of Loches. Leo- nardo returned to Florence, but soon left it 371