Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/454

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VOLK daise ; Immerzeel, iii. 203 ; Kramm, vi. 1784 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 413 ; Eiegel (Beitrage), ii. 408. VOLK, DOUGLAS, born in Pittsfield, Mass., in 1856. Figure and subject paint- er ; son of Leonard Volt, sculptor; pupil of Gc-rome in Paris, and studied in Home. Member of Society of American Artists. Studio in New York. Works : Vanity, In Brittany (1876) ; Domestic Life in Nor- mandy (1878) ; In the Studio Portrait (1880) ; Puritan Girl (1881), T. B. Clarke, New York; Kept In (1882); Charity (1883). VOLKEKS, EMIL, born at Birkenfeld, Jan. 4, 1831. Genre and animal painter, pupil in Dresden of Rietschel and Schnorr, and in Munich of Albrecht and Franz Adam ; studied the horse in the royal studs of Wiir- temberg, and settled in Diisseldorf in 1857 ; visited Bucharest in 1867 and Italy in 1869. Works : Four-in-Hand of Prince of Rou- mania ; Market at Reni ; Tavern Scene in Roumania ; Roumanian Peasants Resting ; Market Scene in Bucharest ; Scenes from Campaigns of 1866 and 1870, Duke of Ol- denburg. Miiller, 539. VOLKHART, GEORG WILHELM, born at Herdicke, Westphalia, June 23, 1815, died in Dusseldorf, March 14, 1876. His- tory and portrait painter, pupil of Diissel- dorf Academy ; studied in Italy (1846-47) after the old masters. Works : Christ the Good Shepherd (1834) ; Fritjof and Inge- borg (1836) ; Tancred and Erminia (1837) ; Raphael and the Fornarina (1838) ; Murder of Rizzio (1841) ; Abdication of Mary Stuart (1842) ; Mary Stuart on the Scaffold (1844); Leonardo and Blandine (1845) ; Death of Admiral Coligny (1846) ; Charles IX. and Catharine de' Medici visiting Coligny (1849) ; Duke of Alva's Breakfast at Rndol- stadt (1850) ; Wallenstein and Seni (1851) ; Scene from Peasants' War (1852) ; Death of Belshazzar ; Matathias overthrowing Altar at Modin. His son Max (born in Diisseldorf, Oct. 17, 1848) is a successful genre painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy and of Eduard von Gebhardt, then studied in Brussels, Ant- werp, Bruges, and Ghent ; in 1878 visited North Italy, and in 1881 Holland. Works : Bandage Room at Gravelotte ; A Point of Honour ; Much Ado about Nothing ; Au- dience at the Burgomaster's ; Improvised Dinner Party; Rejected Suitor (1884). Blanckarts, 102; Cotta's Kunstbl. (1839), 43 ; Kunst-Chronik, xi. 434 ; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 966 ; xx. 998 ; Wolfg. Miiller, Diisseldf. K, 152 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xviii. 36. VOLKMAR, ANTONIE, born in Berlin, April 24, 1827. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Julius Schrader, and in Paris (1853- 57) of Cogniet ; returned to her native city, where she won immediate success ; visited Italy in 1862-64. Works : Artist travelling (1847) ; Sale of the Last Jewel (1858) ; Ger- man Emigrants (1860) ; The new Governess (1868) ; Beginning of Artistic Career (1870) ; The Schoolmates (1880) ; Grandmother tell- ing Stories, Stettin Museum. Miiller, 539. VOLLERDT, JOHANN CHRISTIAN, born at Leipsic in 1708, died at Dresden in 1769. German school ; landscape painter, pupil of Alexander Thiele in Dresden ; aimed at representing atmospheric effects in the style of Christoph Ludwig Agricola. Works : Winter Landscapes (3), Landscape with River, do. with Ruins (2), Cassel Gal- lery ; Thunderstorm, Rainbow in the Moun- tains, Winter in do., River Landscape in do., Schwerin Gallery. Schlie, 671. VOLLMER, ADOLF, born in Hamburg, Dec. 17, 1806, died there in 1875. Land- scape and marine painter, pupil of Suhr, then in Altona of Rosenberg and in Copen- hagen of Eckersberg ; studied in Munich in 1833-39, and travelled in Tyrol and Italy. In 1866 he became blind. Works : two Views of Heligoland, Woods near Reinbeck (1831) ; Harbour in the Baltic (1835) ; Sea in approaching Storm (1837) ; Lagoons in Venice (1839) ; Hamburg Harbour (1846) ; Marine (1836) ; Stangenmiihlen- Grund (1852), Hamburg Gal- lery ; Coast on Baltic Sea (1864) ; The Elbe at fiiankenese (1865). Andresen, iii. 24. 390