Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/455

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VOLLMERING VOLLMERENG, JOSEPH, born at An- holt, Westphalia, Aug. 27, 1810. Land- scape painter, pupil of the Amsterdam Academy in 1826-30 ; then travelled several years in Germany, studying after nature, especially in the valley of the Rhine ; from 1835 to 1844 studied with Barend Cornelia Koekkoek, with whom he made many sketch- ing trips in the Rhine, Moselle, and Neckar Valleys. Removed to America in 1847 ; elected an A.N.A. in 1852. Studio in New York. Works : Indian Falls near Cold Spring, N. Y. (1848), painted for G. Kemble ; View on the Hudson, J. J. Astor, New York ; Holy Shrine at Sunset (1852), George I. Seney, ib. ; Study of Trees (1865), L. M. Rutherford, ib. ; Sunset Landscape (1869), Adirondack Mountains (1869), F. H. Delano, ib. ; The Hudson from Garrison's, C. de Rham, ib. ; The Hudson from Hastings, F. W. Lasak, ib. ; New York from Weehawken Heights (1872), A. Havemeyer, ib. VOLLON, ANTOINE, born in Lyons, April 20, 1833. Genre, landscape, and flower painter, pupil of Ribot. Colouring harmonious ; in other respects variable. Medals: 1865, 1868, 1869; 1st class, 1878; L. of Honour, 1870; Officer, 1878. Works: Art and Gluttony (1864); Kitchen Interior (1864), Nantes Museum ; Return from Market (1866) ; Mon- key at the Accordeon (1866), Lyons Muse- um ; Grapes in the South, Sea Fish (1867) ; Old Fisherman, Curiosities (1868), Luxem- bourg ; After the Ball (1869) ; Comer of my Studio ; Sea Fish (1870), Luxembourg ; Luncheon (1871) ; New Year's Day (1872) ; The Kettle (1872), Lyons Museum ; Corner of the Market (1874) ; The Pig, Armure Fish (1875) ; Woman of the Pollet in Dieppe (1876) ; Helmet of Henri H., Spaniard (1878); Pumpkins (1880); Birds of the South, Pot on the Fire (1883) ; Cruche de Marseille (1885) ; Pottery, View of Treport (1886); Still Life, Henry T. Chapman, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Claretie, Peintres (1874), 196 ; Meyer, Gesch., 630 ; Larousse. VOLLWEIDER, AUGUST, born atEich- stetten, Baden, in 1835. Landscape painter, pupil in Carlsruhe of Schirmer ; visited Mu- nich and the Bavarian Highlands in 1858, Cologne, DQsseldorf, and Belgium in 1861, the Swiss Alps and Black Forest in 1865, and Paris in 1867 ; instructor at the Carls- ruhe Art School since 1855, and inspector since 1861 ; resigned in 1874 and settled at Berne. Works : Heidelberg Castle ; Spring under Oak Trees (1865), Oak Wood with Deer, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Storm Landscape (1866) ; German Oaks (1867) ; The Wetter- horn, Wflrzburg Art Union ; Rosenlaui Gla- cier ; Susten Pass in Switzerland ; Ancient Germans in Oak Wood. Mttller, 540. VOLMAR, GEORG, born at Mengen, Suabia, in 1770, died at Berne, April 27, 1831. Landscape painter, self-taught by study of nature ; painted especially Swiss scenery and costume pictures ; visited Italy in 1807, and became professor at the Art School in Berne. Works : Waterfall near Meiriugen, Berne Museum ; Mother and Child under a Tree near Battlefield, FUrst- enberg Gallery, Donaueschingen. His son Joseph (bom in 1795, died in Berne in 1865), pupil of Horace Vernet, also became pro- fessor at Berne. By him : Boar Hunt, Leonore (after Burger's ballad, 1829), Berne Museum. By another son, Rudolf (died in Berne, 1844), a View of the Giessbach, ib. VOLTERRA, DANIELE DA, born in Volterra in 1509, died in Rome, April 4, 1566. Florentine school. Real name Dan- iele Ricciarelli ; pupil of II Sodoma, after- wards of Baldassare Peruzzi. When still young he went to Rome, where, after work- ing as assistant to Perino del Vaga, he be- came the pupil of Michelangelo. His chief works are in the Cappella Orsini in Trinita de' Monti, Rome, where he spent seven years in painting a series of frescos repre- senting the history of the Cross. The prin- 391