Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/456

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VOLTEEKA cipal composition, the Descent from the Cross, is ranked among the great pictures of the world. As it is superior to any other work by Volterra, many think he was aided in the composition by Michelangelo. On the death of Del Vaga, in 1547, Volterra was ap- pointed superin- tendent of the works in the Vatican, but on the death of Paul HI. he lost the position, and the rest of his life was devoted chiefly to sculpture. After living in Florence and other places he finally returned to Rome, and was employed by Paul IV. to drape the nude figures in Michelangelo's Last Judg- ment, in the Sistine Chapel, whence he was nicknamed II Bracchettone (breeches-maker). Among his works are : Massacre of the Inno- cents, Uffizi, Florence ; Madonna and Saints, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Descent from the Cross, Madrid Museum ; Beheading of John Baptist, Turin Gallery ; David and Go- liath, Louvre. Vasari, ed. Le Mon., xii. 84 ; ed. Mil., vii. 49 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole florentine ; Burckhardt, 184, 048, 683, 756. VOLTERRA, FRANCESCO DA, Floren- tine school, 14th century. Supposed dis- ciple of Giotto, but long settled in Pisa, where in 1346 he had already executed an altarpiece for the cathedral. Another work is The Crucified, Angels and Saints, Sac- risty of Ognissanti, Florence (1350). About 1370 he painted, according to lute authori- ties, the great frescos of the Trials of Job, in the Campo Santo, formerly ascribed to Giotto. C. & C., Italy, i. 392 ; Burckhardt, 495, 497, 503. VOLTRI, NICCOLO DA, Genoese school ; worked at Genoa in 1401 on an Annuncia- tion, for the Church of the Madonna delle Vigne ; also painted an altarpiece for S. Te- odoro, Madonna and Child holding a small Bird, with Kneeling Donor, inscribed Nico- laus da Voltri, deposited in Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Shows study of German masters. Soprani, 11 ; Siret, 984. VOLTZ, FRIEDRICH, bom at Nordling- en, Oct. 31, 1817, died in Munich, June 25, 1886. An- imal and idyl paint- er, son and pupil of the history and genre painter Jo- hann Michael Voltz (1784-1858); then studied at the Mu- nich Academy and from nature in the Bavarian Alps ; visited Italy in 1843-45 and in 1872, and the Neth- erlands in 1846, afterwards Paris, Vienna, and Berlin. Professor at Munich Academy, member of Munich (1863), Berlin (1869), and Vienna ( 1870) Academies. Gold medals : Berlin, 1856, 1861 ; Wiirtemburg medal for art ; Orders of Red Eagle and of St. Micha- el, 1867. Most of his works nearly 2,000 are in private collections. Works : Men- agerie (1835), Cows Drinking (1868), Na- tional Gallery, Berlin ; Herd on Benedictine Wall in Bavarian Highlands (1852), Konigs- berg Museum ; Herdsman and Cows near a Village, Leipsic Museum ; Cow Stable, Schwerin Gallery ; Sunday Morning on the Alp, Stuttgart Museum ; Cows by the Wa- ter, Harrach Gallery, Vienna; Return of the Herd, St. Gall Museum ; First Storks (1859), Duke of Oldenburg; Pasture, En- dangered Meal in the Stable (1860) ; Herd Resting, Cologne Museum; Idyl (1862), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Cows in Stable, do. in Pasture, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Re- turn of Herd to Village (1863), New Pina- kothek, Munich ; Cow Stable (1884); Water ing Place for Cattle on Starnberg Lake in Approaching Storm, Siesta in the Pasture (1886). Dioskuren (1861), 47, 55 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1857), i. ; (1870), i. 371 ; Regnet, ii. 294 ; Kunst-Chronik, xix. 660 ; xxi. 652 ; xxii. 38 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, ii. 209 ; v. 160 ; vi. 247 ; xiii. (Mittheilungen, vi. 35). 392