Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/474

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WATER CARRIER WATER CARRIER, Velasquez, Apsley House, London ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 4 in. x 2 ft. 6 in. A man in tattered brown doublet, with his left hand on a large earthen jar, hands a glass of water to a boy who stands beside a table on which is a smaller jar ; another boy drinks from a pot. Earliest recorded picture of Velasquez ; painted in Seville about 1620. Carried off by Joseph Bonaparte in his flight from Madrid, but captured in his carriage at Vittoria, and Water Carrier, Velasquez, Apsley House, London. afterwards presented by Ferdinand VIE. to the Duke of Wellington. Engraved by B. Amettler; outline, E. Lingee. Ch. Blanc, Ecole espagnole ; Klas. der Malerei ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1879), xx. 232 ; Stirling, 1396. WATERHOUSE, JOHN WILLIAM, born in Rome, Italy, of English parents, in 1849. Went to England in 1854 ; history painter, pupil of Royal Academy schools. First ex- hibited at the Royal Academy, in 1874, Sleep and his Brother Death. Revisited Italy in 1883. Elected an A.R.A. in 1885. Works: Miranda (1875) ; After the Dance (1876) ; Sick Child brought into the Temple of ^sculapius (1877) ; La Favorita (1879) ; Rival Roses, Sum- mer's Day (1881) ; Diogenes (1882); Fa- vourites of the Em- peror Honorius, Bub- bles (1883); Consult- ing the Oracle (1884); St. Eulalia's Crucifixion, By-way in Old Rome (1885) ; Magic Circle, Flower Market (1886). WATER MILL, Meyndert Hobbema, for- merly in Hamilton Palace Collection ; wood, H. 2 ft. x 2 ft. 9 in. On the right, a thick cluster of trees, the foliage of which partly conceals the cottages and overshadows the mill in the centre ; in foreground, the mill stream, fringed with bulrushes and aquatic plants, and with two pollard willows on the bank ; a man fishing, another looking on, and a third crossing a rustic bridge. Hamil- ton Palace sale (1882), to Sedelmeyer, Paris, 4,252 10s. Another in Dutuit Collection, Paris, bought at De Morny sale (1852), 105,000 francs. A third, Pereire sale, Paris (1872), 30,000 francs. Others in Bucking- ham Palace, Bute Collection, Bridgewater Collection, and National Gallery, London. Smith, vi. 156 ; Larousse, xi. 634. WATERING PLACE, Thomas Gainsbor- ough, National Gallery, London ; canvas, H. I ft. 11 in. x 2 ft. 6 in. Evening ; a wooded landscape, with village church in distance ; at left, a figure sitting under a wall ; at right, a man and dog, with cattle in a pool. Engraved by W. Miller. Art Journal (1853), 184. By Thomas Gainsborough, National Gal- lery, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 10 in. x 5 ft. II in. Evening ; a thickly wooded land- scape, with figures to left ; in foreground, to right, some cattle and goats standing in a pool. See, also, Brook. Presented in 410