Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/475

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WATERLOO Worked in New York and Boston before he went to Europe in 1878. Was an A.N.A. Work : Gulliver in Lilliput (1876). WATSON, GEORGE, born at Overmains, Berwickshire, in 1707, died at Edinburgh, Aug. 24, 1837. Portrait painter, pupil of Alexander Nasinyth and of Sir Joshua Rey- 1827 by Lord Farnborough. Engraved by W. Miller ; and in Jones's National Gallery ; etched by R S. Chattock in Portfolio. Cai Nat Gal. ; Portfolio (1875), 49. By Philips Wouwerman, Munich Gallery ; wood, H. 1 ft. x 1 ft. 2 in. Men watering horses at the side of a river, which is seen to a great distance at right ; cattle are being ferried across. At left, an old wall, and a gateway from which a muleteer is issuing. Lith- ographed by F. Hohe. Ro- veil, xiii. 898. WATERLOO, ANTHO- NIE, born at Lille about 1618 (?), died at Amster- dam after 1673. Dutch school ; landscape painter, whose works are distin- guished for facile treatment and faithful representation of nature. His aorial per- spective is always good ; trees and plants are correct in colour and of great vari- ety. Landscapes in Muse- ums and Galleries of Am- Witeiing P|ace Phi|ipt Wouvvetman , Munich Glllery . sterdam, Dresden, Gotlia, (2), Hanover, Stuttgart, Munich, Wiesbaden, I nolds. He settled in Edinburgh, where he and Florence. Ch. Blanc, ficole hollan- was long the rival of Sir Henry Raeburn. From 1808 to 1812 ho presided over the daise ; Dioskur en Society of Associated Artists of Scotland, (1860), 177, 185, 195, 202 ; Havard, A. & A. j aud on the foundation of the Royal Scottish Academy, in 1826, he was elected president, and held that office until his death. Por- hol., ii. 189. WATERLOW, ERNEST A., London contemporary. Landscape and genre paint- er. Works : Last of the Shower (1877) ; Close of Midsummer's Day (1879) ; Out- ward Bound, Bluebells (1881); Home Again, Sheep- Washing, Woodland Gleanings (1882) ; Beltein Midsummer Eve in Cornwall, Fisherman's Garden (1883) ; Sand Dig- traits of Benjamin West, Archibald Skirving, and of himself, National Gallery, Edin- burgh. WATSON, JOHN, born in Scotland in 1685, died in New Jersey, Aug. 22, 1768. Portrait painter, pupil of Academy, Edinburgh. He the Trustees' emigrated in ging, Breezy Tintagel, Shepherd's Return 1 1715 to New Jersey, where he is said to (1884) ; Scant Fuel, From the Ferry (1885) ; ! have amassed a property by the practice of Sunny Hours, Waiting, Rough Sea (1886). his profession. WATERMAN, MARCUS, born in Provi- WATSON, WILLIAM SMELLTE, born dence, R L; died in 1883. Genre painter, in Edinburgh in 1796, died there, Novem- 411