Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/476

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WATTEAU f ber, 1874. Portrait painter, son and pupil of George Watson ; studied also in the Trustees' Academy, Edinburgh, in the Royal Academy, London, and under Sir David Wilkie, whom he assisted in the Penny Wedding and other works. He was one of the original members of the Royal Scottish Academy. Work : The Student, National Gallery, Edinburgh. WATTEAU, ANTOINE, born at Valenci- ennes, Oct. 10, 1684, died at Nogent-sur- Marne, July 18, 1721. French school; genre painter, first instructed by an obscure painter in Va- I enciennes ; went to Paris in 1702, and entered the studio of Gillot, where he acquired a taste for the humorous subjects for which he was afterwards dis- tinguished. After a further apprenticeship under the decorative painter Claude Audran 3d, he exhibited two pictures for which he was received into the Academy in 1717. Meanwhile he had continued his studies in copying the masterpieces of Rubens and Paolo Veronese. His great reputation rests on a series of pictures of conventional shep- herds and shepherdesses, dancers and com- edians, painted with unrivalled freshness, grace, and charm. More than 563 plates after his pictures were engraved by Thom- assin, Cochin, and Cardon. Works : Em- barkation for Cythera (1717), Gilles of the Comedie italienne, L'indifferent, La finette, Assembly in a Park, Juggler, Jupiter and An- tiope, three others, Louvre ; Fete Champetre, Angers Museum ; Harlequin meeting Panta- loon, Pierrot, and Colombine, Foot Soldier Reconnoitring, Nantes Museum ; Monkey Sculptor, Orleans Museum ; Country Scene, Landscape, Troyes Museum ; Conversation in a Park, Portrait of the Sculptor Antoine Joseph Pater, Valenciennes Museum ; Con- cert Champutre, Two Lovers Surprised, Buckingham Palace, London ; Rendez-vous at the Chase, Village Fete, Sir Richard Wallace, ib.; do., Sir T. Baring, ib.; French Pastoral, Fete Champetre, Toy Windmill, National Gallery, Edinburgh ; Love in French Comedy, do. in Italian Comedy, La Colation, Berlin Museum ; Assembly mak- ing Merry in a Park (2), Cassel Gallery ; Conversation on a Terrace, Company resting on a Lawn, Dresden Museum ; Tender Con- versation, Konigsberg Museum ; Young Girl with Sunshade, Schwerin Gallery ; The Minuet, The Savoyard, The Serenade, Fa- tigues of War, Alleviations of War, Hermit- age, St. Petersburg ; Guitar Player, Vienna Museum ; Lady and Cavaliers in a Garden, Uffizi, Florence ; Marriage Contract and Fete Champetre, Assembly in Park of St. vpi Cloud, Madrid Muse- - W, urn. Art Journal, iii. 77; Bellier, ii. 714;

    • ^ Bentley's Mag., Ivii.

304; Ch. Blanc, Ecole fran9aise, ii.; (j o ; L eg peintres des fetes galantes (Paris, 1853); Cellier, Ant. Watteau (Paris, 1867) ; Cousin, Tombeau de W. (Paris, 1866) ; Denaux, Notice sur A. W. (Valenciennes, 1834) ; Dohme, 3 ; Du- mont, Ant. Wat. (Paris, 1866); Goncourt, Cat. raisonne (Paris, 1875) ; do., L'art du xviii. siecle, i. 1 ; Hedouin, Watteau, es- sai sur la vie, etc. (Paris, 1845) ; Houssaye, Hist., 161 ; Larousse, xv. 1287 ; Lecarpen- tier, Suite de la galerie des peintres celebres (Rouen, 1815) ; Portfolio, iii. 18 ; Stothert, 110 ; Wurzbach, Fr. Mai. d. xviii. Jahrh., 21 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xi. 86. WATTIER, CHARLES EMILE, born in Paris, Nov. 17, 1800, died there, Nov. 22, 1868. Genre painter, pupil of Lafond and of Gros ; imitated the style of the masters of the 18th century, especially Watteau and Boucher. Works: Prayer at Church ; Com- ing from Church ; Ambuscade ; Ninon de L'Enclos ; Entering the Bath ; Dinner in 412