Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/485

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AVEEPER admirable productions. Most of them are now in Munich. Lived several years at Utrecht, where he is inscribed in records of guild in 1664 and 1668. His dead hares are famous for fine brush work. Works : Dead Game and Dog, Hunting Scene, National Gal- lery, London ; Dead Hare, Buckingham Palace, ib. ; Hare, Swan, Dog, and Parrot, Two Companion Game-Pieces, Mr. Hope, ib. ; ten first-rate specimens, Sir Richard Wallace, ib.; Seaport in Spain, Game-Piece, Blenheim sale, London, 1886 ; Game and Utensils of Chase (1671), Dog watching Dead Game (1696), Seaport (1704), Lou- vre, Paris ; Dead Game and Fruit (1705), Brussels Museum ; Roe and Swan, Dead Game, Hague Museum ; Dead Game (2), do. and Fruits (1704), Country House (1714), Dogs, Male Portrait (1682), Peacock and other Birds (1716), Rotterdam Museum ; Dead Hare and Weapons of Chase, Musee Rath, Geneva ; do. (1701), Dead Game and Dog, Copenhagen Gallery ; Elizabeth Char- lotte of Orleans (1697), Dead Game (2), Bouquet, Berlin Museum ; Dead Hare and Implements of the Chase (1681), Portrait of Dutch Merchant, Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Dead Game Birds (1718), Genre Scene, Gotha Museum ; Dead Game (10, six dated 1665, 1702, 1703, 1706, 1708, 1712), Wom- an Asleep watched by Dog, Boar Hunt, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Dead Hare and Birds (1691), two others, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg; do. (1), Leuch- tenberg Gallery, ib. ; others, principally Dead Game-Pieces, in Galleries and Mu- seums of Bruns- wick, Carlsruhe (2, 1681, 1683), Cassel, Dresden (4, three dated 1689, 1690), Schleissheim (8, one dated 1714), Schwerin (2, one dated 1687), Vien- na (1690), Wiesbaden ; Academy, Czernin, Liechtenstein (4), and Schonborn (3) Galler- ies, Vienna. Ch. Blanc, iCcole hollandaise ; Dohme, lii. ; Gool, i. 78 ; Immerzeel, iii. 224 ; Kramm, vi. 1835 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 456 ; Stuers, 180 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, x. 352. WEEPER. See Eberliard. WEERTS, JEAN JOSEPH, born at Rou- baix (Nord), May 1, 1847. History and portrait painter, pu- pil of Cabanel, Mils, and Pils. Medal, 2d class, 1875 ; L. of Honour, 1884. Works : Old Soldier's Repose (1869) ; Nazli (1873), Lima Muse- um, Fais ce quo dois (1873), Roubaix Mu- seum ; The Captive (1874) ; Descent from the Cross (1875) ; Legend of St. Francis of Assisi (1877, bought by the State) ; The Vir- gin fainting at the Foot of the Cross (1878) ; Assassination of Marat (1880) ; Joseph Bara (1882); Death of Joseph Bara (1883) ; St. 7.J. WEERTS Francis of Assisi borne to Santa Maria do Porciuncula (1884). Bellier, ii. 719. W'EGELIN, ADOLF, born at Cleve in 1810, died in Cologne, Jan. 18, 1881. Landscape and architecture painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under J. W. Schir- mer, then studied in Nuremberg and Mu- nich, and in 1836 settled in Cologne, where, after 1842, he was especially employed for Frederick William IV., by whose order ho visited Belgium and Holland to paint his- torical buildings. Court painter in 1861. rf IJ&' Almost all his works are C/Y fY in the Royal Collection at Berlin. Works : Mediaeval Castles (2), Co- logne Museum. Kunst-Chrouik, xvi. 296. WEGENER, FRIEDRICH WILHELM, born in Dresden, April 20, 1812, died at Gruna, near Dresden, July 11, 1879. Ani- nial and landscape painter, pupil of Copen- 417