Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/491

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WERNER Jerome (1707), Dresden Museum ; Lot and his Daughters (1721), Schwerin Gallery ; Venus rising from her Couch, Liechten- stein Gallery, Vienna ; Children playing with Bird, Uffizi, Florence. Immerzeel, iii. 229 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 539. WERNER, ANTON ALEXANDER VON, born in Frankfort-on-the- Oder, May 9, 1843. His- tory and genre painter and illustrator, pupil of Berlin Academy in 1859 -62, then in Carlsruhe of Lessing and Ad. Schrod- ter ; visited Paris in 18C7 and Italy in 1868-69 ; settled in Berlin, where he became director of the Academy in 1875. Has furnished mas- terly illustrations to the works of Josef Vic- tor von Scheffel, to Herder's "Cid," and to Schiller's dramas. Member of Venice and Caraccas (Venezuela) Academies ; court painter ; Officer of Order of Italian Crown ; several other orders and many medals. Works : Intimate Conversation, Quartette, Convent Life, The Suitor, Don Quixote with the Shepherds (1864-70) ; Luther be- fore Cajetan (1865), Conratlin in Prison (1866), Archbishop Hanuo of Cologne kid- napping Henry IV. (1867), Struggle and Victory (1871), Symbolic Picture of Battle of Sedan, Allegory of German Union, Molt- ke before Paris, Moltke in his Study, Proc- lamation at Versailles (1876), Royal Palace, Berlin ; Count von Moltke (1872), Kunst- halle, Hamburg ; Luther at the Diet of Worms, Stuttgart Museum ; Baptism in Artist's House, Berlin Congress (1878), Emperor's Entry into Saarbrdcken (1880) ; Moltke at Sedan (1883). In fresco: Lu- ther at Worms, Summons of Volunteers in 1813, Gymnasium, Kiel ; Proclamation at Versailles, Coronation of First King of Prussia (1884), Arsenal, Berlin. Allgem. K C., ix. 292 ; Graph. K, i. 65, 68 ; iv. 23 ; Kunst-Chronik, ix. 345 ; xii. 430 ; xvi. 481 ; xix. 730 ; Kunst f. Alle, i. 193 ; Laud und Meer (1875), i. 46 ; Leixner, Mod. K, i. 64 ; Nord u. Sttd, xviii. 185 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 234 ; D. Rundschau, viii. 432 ; ix. 474 ; xiii. 329 ; xxl 146 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iii. 182 ; iv. 16 ; vi. 174 ; xvi. 142 ; xx. 36 ; xxi. 36 ; xxii. 42 ; Art Journal (1887), 5. WERNER, FRITZ, born in Berlin, Dec. 3, 1828. Genre painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under Daege, then of Menzel ; studied in 1855 -63 in Paris, and again in 1867 under Meisso- nier, whose elegant treat- ment of stuffs and acces- sories he adopted, while in conception and col- ouring he successfully imitated the style of Menzel, whose most talented pupil he is. Member of, and Professor at, Berlin Acad- emy. Medal, Berlin, 1878. Works : Sur- prised Chambermaid (18(53); Huntsman ar- ranging his Traps, Old Gentleman served with Coffee (1864) ; Ornithologist, Prussian Grenadier on Guard, Admonition, Picture Amateur (1866) ; Fishmonger in Antwerp (1867) ; Amateur of Engravings (1868) ; Souvenir of Paris, Market Scene in Antibes, View of Nice, Old Gentleman feeding Birds, Street in Antibes, Picture Dealer, After Din- ner, Fortifications in Antibes, Huntsman in Tavern, At the Zoological Museum, Gentle- man Reading, Soldier Smoking, Would-be Politicians, Gentleman at Table, Interior of Hunting Castle, Smoker by Tile Stove (all of 18G8-69) ; Boy with Hare (1870) ; Man with Dog and Hare, Trumpeter of Hussars, Painter in Studio, Picture-Dealing, Man at Draughts, Standard-Bearer, Peasant Hunt- ing, Drummer, Child blowing Soap-Bubbles (all of 1870-73) ; Smoker and Child, Cava- lier jesting with Girl (1873) ; Frederick the Great in his Library ; A Conversation ; From the Dresden Gallery (1880) ; Ridiculous Story (1881) ; Sutler Women between Regi- ments of Dessau and Baireuth (Jubilee Ex- hib., Berlin, 1886). Anderson, v. 89 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1882), i. 10 ; Leixuer, Mod. K, iL