Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/492

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WERNER 100 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 279 ; D. Rundschau, ix. 475 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., vi. 174 ; xvi. 147, 272 ; xxii. 42. WERNER, JOSEF, born at Berne in 1637, died there in 1710. German school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of his father and in Frankfort of Matthias Meri- an ; then studied in Rome under Pietro da Cortona and Andrea Sacchi ; devoted him- self for a time to miniature painting in imi- tation of Carlo Maratti, was called to France by Louis XIV., for whom he painted many portraits and allegories, as he did also for the Elector of Bavaria, having gone to Augs- burg in 1G67 ; moved to Berne in 1682, and was director of the Berlin Academy in 1696 -1707. Works : Union of Justice and Wis- dom, City Hall, Berne ; Experience, Repub- lic of Berne, Justice, Golden Age, Caval- ry Skirmish in 17th Century (attributed), Museum, ib.; Temptation of St. Anthony, Augsburg Gallery ; Allegory on Avarice, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Tobias burying his Countrymen, Vienna Museum. Des- camps (Marseilles ed., 1842), ii. 230. WERNER, KARL, born in Weimar, Oct. 4, 1808. Genre and architecture painter, pupil of Leipsic Acad- emy under Veit Hans Schnorr ; went in 1829 to Munich and in 1833 to Italy, where he re- mained twenty years ; visited England in 1851, Spain in 1856, the East in 1862-64, and Greece in 1875, making many sketches. Ranks among the first painters in water- colours. Professor at the Leipsic Academy since 1881. Member of Venice Academy, of Royal Society of Painters in Water Col- ours, Saxon Order of Albrecht. Weimar gold medal for Art and Science. Works : Market Square of Piperno ; Venice in Pros- perity ; do. in Decline ; Return of Andrea Contarini ; Scene from Shylock ; Study from Pompeii ; Lion Court of Alhambra ; View of Beirout ; Isle of Philee ; Mosque at Damascus ; Bazaar in Cairo ; Arabian Pal- ace, ib. ; Jewellery Shop, ib. ; Column of Memnon ; The Jordan near Jericho ; Tem- ple of Isis at Thebes ; Antiquary by Tem- ple at Karuak ; Castle Lahneck ; Interior of Church at Frankfort ; Gate of Justice at Cairo ; Church Interior (1833), Interior of Cefalti Cathedral (1838), Palace Interior at Palermo (1852), National Gallery, Berlin ; Palace of Diocletian, Leipsic Museum ; Abandoned Church in Poutine Swamps, Schack Gallery, Munich. Illustr. Zeitg. (1874), ii. 31 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 240 ; Zeit- schr. f. b. K, iii. 104. WERTHEIMER, GUSTAV, born in Vi- enna ; contemporary. History and genre painter. Works : Shipwreck of Agrippina ; Venus Anadyomene ; Peeping ; Fisherman's Dream (1880); Coast Watchman; The Wave's Kiss ; Flowers' Revenge ; Fisherman's Dream, The King's Breakfast (1884). AUgem. K. C., viii. 619 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1883), i. 375 ; ii. 1GO ; (1884), i. 554 ; (1885), ii. 229. WERTMULLER, ADOLF ULRICH, born in Stockholm in 1751, died at Wil- mington, Del., in 1811. History and genre painter, supposed pupil of Pilo (1713-94) ; went early to France, where he became member of the Academy in 1782. Swedish court painter in 1787 ; returned to Sweden about 1789 ; came to America in 1794 and painted several portraits of Washington ; went home in 1797, but came back, mar- ried, and became a citizen. Works : Ari- adne Forsaken, Marie Antoinette and her Children (1785), Stockholm Museum ; Por- traits of Gustavus HI. and his Queen, of Gustavus IV., of Bachelier and Caffieri. Gaz. des B. Arts (1874), x. 223 ; Revue univ. des Arts, iv. WEST, BENJAMIN, born at Springfield, Penn., Oct. 10, 1738, died in London, March 11, 1820. Began to draw when seven years old, and took his first lessons in preparing colours from Cherokee Indians. After a lit- tle instruction from a painter named Will- iams, he set up, when eighteen years old, in