Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/506

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WILLEES New York ; Departing for the Promenade, Miss C. L. Wolfe, ib. ; Plucking the Eose, Israel Corse, ib. ; Betrothal Ring, Mrs. Paran Stevens, ib.; Female Figure, T. A. Havemeyer, ib. ; Waiting Maid, Robert Hoe, ib. ; Mirror, John Hoey, ib. ; At the Window, C. P. Huntington, ib. ; Revery, R. L. Stuart Collection, ib.; La Bague, J. T. Martin, Brooklyn ; Important Response, Health of the King, W. T. Walters, Baltimore ; Read- ing, J. W. Garrett, ib. ; Morning Walk, H. O. Gibson, Philadelphia; The Letter, W. Mason, Taunton, Mass. ; Love Letter, Charles Crock- er, San Francisco ; Music Lesson, Morgan sale, New York (1886), $1,255. Dioskuren, 1863-66; D. Kunstbl., 1853-57; Immer- zeel, iii. WILLERS, ERNST, born at Oldenburg in 1804, died in Munich, May 1, 1880. Landscape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Schirmer ; went afterwards to Rome, where he was long allied with Josef Anton Koch ; thence he visited Sicily and twice Greece ; finally settled at Munich. His works, recalling the heroic landscapes of Koch and the ideal style of Karl Marko, are of grand conception and poetical colour- ing. Among the best are : The Acropolis at Athens, Temple of Jupiter, ib. ; View of the Piraeus and Isles, Acrocorinth, View near Palermo, Grand Duke of Oldenburg ; Valley of Egeria near Rome, Grand Duchess of Weimar ; The Acropolis at Athens, Schack Gallery, Munich ; Outlook towards the Sea from Chigi Park near Ariccia. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 1011 ; Schack, Meine Gemaldesammlung, 213. WILLIAM, ST., TAKING THE MONAS- TIC HABIT, Guercino, Bologna Gallery ; canvas, H. 10 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 10. William, Duke of Aquitaine, having determined to renounce the world, presents himself, at the head of his warriors, before St. Felix, and puts on the monastic habit ; above, in clouds, the Virgin and child sustained by an angel, and at left, SS. Peter and Paul. Painted about 1620 for S. Gregorio, Bo- logna ; carried to Paris in 1796 ; returned in 1815. A masterpiece of Guercino's first period. Engraved by G. Trabalesi ; G. Mi- telli ; G. Tomba. Landon ; Musee, xii. PL 54 ; Pinac. di Bologna, PL 48 ; Meyer, Ktinst. Lex., iii. 2 ; Lavice, 3. WILLIAMS, EDWARD, born in Lam- beth, London, in 1782, died at Barnes, June 24, 1855. Son of Edward Williams, engraver, and pupil in painting of his maternal uncle James Ward ; then apprenticed to Mr. Hil- St. William taking the Monastic Habit, Guercino, Bologna Gallery. Her, carver and gilder, but finally devoted himself to miniature and landscape painting. For many years his favourite subjects were moonlight scenes, and later the scenery of the Thames. His six sons were all painters. Work : Landscape with Figures by Moon- light, National Gallery, London.- Redgrave ; F. de Conches, 347. WILLIAMS, FREDERICK DWIGHT, born in Boston ; contemporary. Landscape and figure painter. Studio in Paris. 434