Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/507

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WILLIAMS Works : Scene at Pont Nien, Shepherdess and her Flock, The Marne, Farmyard at Fiuistere (1878) ; Autumn Day France, Fifine and her Geese (1881). His wife, Sirs. L. Lunt Williams, paints figure and cattle pieces. Work : Mange Done ! (1884). WILLIAMS, HAYNES, born at Worces- ter, England, in 1834. Genre painter, pupil of the Art School in Birmingham ; went to Spain in 1862, and has since painted many Spanish subjects, exhibiting in the Royal Academy in 1870 his Desesperados y Ines- perados. Works : Prayers for One Wound- ed (1872) ; A los Toros (1873) ; Billeted, El Saludad (1874) ; Modern Occupants of An- cient Homes, ArsLonga Vita Brevis (1877); Foundlings in Spain in 1790 (1878) ; Con- gratulations (1879); The Stepmother (1880) ; His First Offence (1881) ; The Sermon (1882) ; Gleam of Sunshine (1883) ; Called to Court, At the Fountain, Going to the Fountain (1884) ; Benediction, Interruption in the Dance (1885) ; Cellini awaiting an Inter- view with Franyois I. (1886). Meynell, 185. WILLIAMS, ISAAC L., bom in Phila- delphia in 1817. Landscape and portrait painter, pupil in Philadelphia of John R Smith and John Neagle. Visited Europe in 1866-67. Member of the Philadelphia Academy. Work : View near Meriden Conn., October (1876). WILLIAMS, PENRY, born at Merthyr Tydvil, Glamorganshire, about 1798, died in Rome, or Wales, February, 1886 (?). Land- scape and subject painter ; exhibited at Royal Academy first in 1824 ; went to Italy in 1827, and thenceforth resided in Rome, whence he sent many pictures to England. Works : Procession to the Christening (1832) ; Ferry on the Nynfa (1835) ; Madonna del Arco (1837); H Voto or the Convalescent (1842); The Fountain Mola diGaeta(1849); Rustic Toilet (1853) ; Neapolitan Peasants at Fountain (1859), National Gallery ; Mass for the Reapers in the Campagna (1860) ; Italian Mother and Child (1861). Art Jour- nal (1864), 101 ; Portfolio (1886). WILLIAMSON, JOHN, born in Scot- land in 1826, died at Glenwood, N. Y., May 28, 1885. Landscape painter, taken to America when a child. Associate of the National Academy, New York, in 1861. Works : Passing Shower Connecticut Val- ley (1869) ; Hook Mountains (1870); Return of the Hunters (1871) ; Reminiscence of Berkshire County (1873) ; After the Storm Blue Ridge (1877) ; In the Mohawk Val- ley, Sugar Loaf Mountain (1878); Palisades Hudson River (1879) ; Lovers' Walk- Glen Lea (1880) ; Trout Fishing Catskill Mountains (1881) ; Long Years Saw Mill Ulster County, N. Y. (1883). WILLICH, CASAR, born at Frnnken- thal, Bavaria, in 1825. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under Jacob Schlesinger (1793-1855), then in Mu- nich (1846) of Karl Schorn ; lived in Swit- zerland in 1848-49, went in 1850 to Ant- werp, studied there for several years, then for three years in Paris under Couture ; visited Italy in 1858, stayed chiefly in Rome until 1861, when he settled in Munich. Works : Tribunal during Time of Witches' Trials, H. Weseudonk, Zurich ; Psyche with the Ointment Box ; Sleeping Nymph and Faun ; Resting Amazon and Deer ; Young Gypsy Girl with Lizard ; Nymph Fishing ; Portrait of Richard Wagner. Dioskureu (1866-68) ; Mailer, 559. WILLMANS, MICHAEL, born at Kon- igsberg in 1629, died at a country-seat near Leubus, Silesia, Aug. 26, 1706. Ger- man school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of his father Peter Willmans ; went early to Holland, where he formed himself under Jacob Backer and Rembrandt ; after his return he worked at KGuigsberg, Prague, Breslau, and Berlin, and was made court painter by the Great Elector. Works : Rape of Europa (1679), Schwerin Gallery ; Por- trait of a Boy, Dresden Museum. Schlie, 697. WILLROIDER, JOSEPH, born at Vil- lach, Carinthia, in 1838. Landscape paint- er, self-taught from 1860 in Munich and 436