Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/508

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WILMAETH during travels in Bavaria, the Austrian Alps, and Holland ; his pictures show great feeling for the picturesque in their composition, masterly treatment of trees, and clear col- ouring. Lives in Diis- seldorf. Order of Ba- varian Crown, 1884. Works: Wood Land- scape on Lake Ossi- ach, Wood Interior, View in Upper Ba- varia, View on a Lake, View near Munich, On the Elbe, Carinthian Landscape, Walk to Emmaus (1879) ; Meteorological Station in Carinthia (1882) ; Dies ine, Munich Art Union. His brother and pupil, Ludwig (born at Villach in 1845), is also a landscape painter of merit ; lives in Munich, where he has done much towards reviving interest in the art of etching, and is honorary member of the Academy. Allgem. K. C., viii. 48 ; Dioskuren (I860) ; Kunst-Chronik, xxi. 62 ; Kunst f iir Alle, i. 184 ; Miiller, 560 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., x. (Mittheilungen, iii. 75). WILMAKTH, LEMUEL EVERETT, born at Attleborough, Mass., Nov. 11, 1835. Genre painter, pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy in Philadelphia ; studied at Mu- nich under Kaulbach in 1859-62, and in 1864 at the cole des Beaux Arts, Paris, under Gerome. In 1870 professor of the National Academy free schools ; elected an A.N.A. in 1871, and N.A. in 1873. Studio in New York. Works : Sparking in the Olden Time (1864); Little Pitchers have Big Ears (18G5) ; An Afternoon at Home (1871) ; Guess what I've brought you? (1873) ; In- gratitude (1875) ; Study of Peaches (1877) ; Pick of the Orchard (1880) ; Who Wins may Wear (1883); Jack's Return, Please may I keep Him ? (1884) ; Country Artist (1885). Sheldon, 110. WILMS, JOSEF, born at Bilk, near Diis- seldorf, Aug. 2, 1814. Still-life and genre painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy un- der Schadow and Theodor Hildebrandt ; vis- ited Strassburg in 1848 and Amsterdam in 1862. Works: Peasant Still-Life (1834), National Gallery, Berlin ; Student enriched by Heritage (1838); Punch Service by Lamp- light (1840) ; Boar's Head (1841) ; Squirrel (1842); Revolution inPainter'sStudio(1851); Miinchhausen (1856) ; Breakfast with Cham- pagne. Miiller, 560 ; Wiegmaun, 410. WILS, JOHANNES, born probably at Haarlem, died there before 1670. Dutch school ; landscape painter, entered the guild at Haarlem in 1628, and was one of the mas- ters of Berchem, who married his daughter. His rare works are compared to those of Jan Booth and Jacob Ruisdael. Works : Moun- tainous Wood and River Landscape, Chapel in the Forest, Schwerin Gallery. Schlie, 697. WILSON, RICHARD, born at Pinegas, Montgomerys h i re, Aug. 1, 1713, died at Llanberris, Carnar- vonshire, May, 1782. Landscape painter, pupil for six years of Thomas Wright, a London portrait painter of little ability. After painting portraits with some success, he went, in 1749, to Italy, where, by advice of Zuccarelli, he de- voted himself to landscape painting. Re- turning home in 1755, he was disappointed to find that his classic style was not appre- ciated by the public. Though unfavoured by fortune, he continued the struggle, and in 1760 his ability attained some slight rec- ognition when his picture of Niobe was ex- hibited at the Society of Artists, of which he was a member ; yet he never became popular, and died in comparative indigence, a disappointed man. Long after his death the popular taste became educated to his standard, and he is now regarded as one of the greatest of English landscape painters. Wilson was one of the original members of the Royal Academy, and in 1776 was ap- 430