Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/538

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ZELGER his pictures heads pore and truthful in ex- pression, natural flesh tones, a deep glow of colour, and careful execution, togaUtat with a serious, often grand conception. "Works : Ahar 'Wings (1488), Altarpieee (1497Y, Archaeologi- cal Union, Stutt- gart; Altarpiece (1490-95), Stuttgart Museum ; Four Scenes from Legends of St Valentine. Two Saints. Pope Alexander (1504 Augsburg Gallery : St. Peter. The Holy Handkerchief, Berlin Museum : Altar "Wings with Saints (2K Priest at the Altar raising the Host, Carls- ruhe Gallery : St. Lawrence. Darmstadt Mu- seum ; Visitation of Mary. SS. Magdalen and Ursula. Furstenberg Gallery. Donauesching- en : St. Catharine. Gotha Museum ; St. Margaret St. Ursula. St. Bridget, Old Pina- kothek. Munich : St. Ann and other Female Saints. Mary and St. John. Pieta, Germanic Museum. Nuremberg ; The Manna of the Old and New Testament. Schleissheim Gal- lery ; Eight Scenes in Life of Mary the Vir- gin, Hohenzollern Museum, Sigmaringen : St Jago de Compostella. St. GaU Museum : Annunciation. St John Baptist (2 Visita- tion of Mary. Bishop Valentine of Terracina raising a dead Boy, St. Gregory the Great, Nativity (about 1470), Pictures of Saints |6>, Stuttgart Museum ; Male and Female Portrait, Liechtenstein Gallery. Vienna. Ch. Blanc. Ecole allemande : Dohme, 1L : GrOneisen & Mauch. Ulm's Kunstleben. 42 : Kugler (Crowe V i 145 ; Schnaase, viiL 423 ; W. Jt W.. iL 111. ZELGER JOSEF, born at Stanz. Swit- zerland, in 1812. Landscape painter, pupil at Geneva of Diday : is very successful in leprewnting the grandeur of Alpine nature : execution minute, colouring somewhat cold. Works : View near KmnuUtm, Ruins of Castle Unspunnen (1858X Berne Museum ; View in Canton Unterwalden, Nenchatel Museum; In Albula Pass, View near Lu- cerne, Zurich Gallery. Nagter, -rrii 255. ZELLER, KONRAD. born at ffirslanden, near Zurich, in 1807, died about 186?. German school; genre ^TlrrinM 1 . pupO of Leopold Robert in Rome, whither he went in 1832, having for years prafltJKiJ as an amateur. Works: Girls at the Bath, Shepherd Family in the / iKjm^p* l High- born Visitor, Zurich Gallery ; Saltarello in

Villa dTste near Trroli (1840), Female-Head

ISolX Leipsic Museum; Festival of St Annun&ata near Borne (1846). CotU's EunstbL (1843-46). ZELOTTI. GIAMBATTESTA, born in Verona about 1532. died about 1592. Venetian school ; educated in the school of Antonio Badile, where he was a fellow-pupil and friend of Paolo Veronese. Called by Vasari, Battista Farinato, whence some have supposed him of kin to Paolo Farinato. Vasari also numbers him among the pupils of Titian. He was a man of genius, full of ideas and of imagination, and a worthy rival of Paolo Veronese, with whom he worked much in collaboration, es- pecially in fresco painting, in which he ex- celled ; but he was without ambition or confidence in himself, and died obscure and miserable. Among his frescos, those in the Palazzo Ducale, which have been attributed to Paolo Veronese, and those in the Library of St Mark are the best Of his pictures in oil. The Conversion of St. Paul, and the Miraculous Draught of Fishes, Vicenza, Duomo, are much admired. Ch. Blanc, Ecole venitienne : Vasari, ed. "Mil.., vL 595 ; Burckhardt, 749, 750. 754. ZENALE, BERNABDD? O, born at Tre- vigho (?) in 1436, died in Milan, Feb. 10, 1526. Lombard school; real name Ber- nardino Martini Disciple of Vmcenzo