Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/548

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ZUGEL suffering great privations was brought into notice by his decoration of the Palazzo Mat- tei. Became a popular painter, and was buried near Kaphael in the Pantheon. Among his best works are frescos of the Passion of Christ, in S. Consolazione, and a series representing the Glories of the Far- nese Family, in the villa built by Cardinal Farnese at Caprasola. Vasari, ed. Le Mon., xii. 104 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole ombrieune ; Burckhardt, 186 ; Siret, 1030. ZUGEL, HEINRICH, born at Murrhard, Wiirtemberg, Oct. 22, 1850. Animal painter, pupil of Stuttgart Art School ; studied in 1873 in Vienna, and settled in Munich. Works: Sheep in Alder Grove (1875), National Gal- lery, Berlin ; Sheep- Shearing ; Sheep- Washing; Span of Oxen (1875) ; Herd fleeing from Storm ; Plough- ing Oxen ; Nobody at Home ; Runaway Bull ; Sheep and Lambs, Knoedler & Co., New York. Miiller, 575; Illustr. Zeitg. (1880), i. 129 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xiii. 128. ZUND, ROBERT, born at Lucerne, Switzerland, in 1827. Landscape painter ; ex- cels in representing the poetry of the woods, and, by a silvery tone, imparts a peculiar charm to his landscapes, which are general- ly supplied with biblical figures. Lives at Lucerne. Works : The Harvest, Prodigal Sou tending Swine, View near Lucerne, On Lake of Lucerne, Basle Museum ; Autumn in the Woods (figures by Rudolf Roller), Berne Museum ; Near the Battle Chapel of Sempach, Oakwood, Zurich Gallery. ZURBARAN, FRANCISCO (DE), born at Fuente de Cantos, Estremadura, Nov. 7, 1598, died in Madrid in 1662. Spanish school ; son of simple labourers ; pupil of Juan de las Roelas, afterwards imitated style of Caravaggio, whence called the Spanish Caravaggio. In 1625 he painted a series of scenes from the life of St. Peter for the Chapel of S. Pedro, Cathedral of Seville, and about the same time his Glory of St. Thom- as Aquinas, his best work, now in the Seville Museum. In 1633 he signed himself painter to the king an honour which he shared with Ve- lasquez. He painted in 1650 the Labours of Hercules, in ten pictures, for the palace of Buen Retiro, now in the Madrid Museum. Zurbaran painted several large compositions, but pre- ferred simple ones requiring but few figures, and generally religious subjects, especially those displaying the rigours and austerities of monastic life. He is the painter of monks, as Raphael is of Madonnas. Other works : Miracle of St. Hugo, St. Bruno before Urban H., Madonna de las Cuevas, Two Dominicans, Seville Museum ; Sleep of Jesus, Vision of S. Pedro Nolasco, Appa- rition of St. Peter to S. Pedro Nolasco, St. Casilda, Madrid Museum ; Annunciation, Adoration of Shepherds, Adoration of Magi, Circumcision, Montpensier Gallery, Seville ; SS. Peter Nolasco and Raymond de Pegna- f ort, Funeral of a Bishop, St. Apollina, Lou- vre; Franciscan Monk, National Gallery, London ; Holy Family, Suermondt Muse- um, Aix-la-Chapelle ; Christ after the Scourg- ing, St. Bonaventura, Museum, Berlin ; Ma- donna adored by Monks, Raczynski Gal- lery, ib.; St. Ccelestine declining the Papal Crown, Dresden Museum ; St. Francis of Assisi in Ecstasy, Old Pinakothek, Munich. Stirling, ii. 767 ; Viardot, 75 ; Ch. Blanc,