Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/549

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ZUSTKIS Ecole espagnole ; Modrazo, 545 ; Meyer, Gemiilde kongL Mus., 547; Washbum, Spanish Masters, 96. ZUSTKIS (Sustris), born at Amsterdam in 1526, died in Munich in 1599 (?). Dutch school ; history and portrait painter, son of, and first instructed by, Lambert Zustris, who is probably the same as Lamberto d'Amsterdamo mentioned by Vasari as a pupil of Titian in Venice ; then pupil of Jan Swart of Groningen, afterwards went to Florence and there allied himself to Vasari, who makes honourable mention of him in 1568 as Federigo di Lamberto Fiamingho. Later on he appears as court painter and architect to Duke William V. of Bavaria. Works : Venus and Cupid, Louvre, Paris ; Holy Family, Cassel Gallery. Kramm, iii. 936 ; Nagler, xviii. 17 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 590. ZWENGAUEE, ANTON, the elder, born in Munich, Oct. 11, 1810, died there, June 13, 1884. Landscape painter ; studied from nature in the Bavarian Highlands and in Southern Tyrol. His evening and sunset landscapes are especially fine. In 1853-69 Conservator of Schleissheim Gallery, since 1869 of Munich Gallery. Works : Noon on the Alp (1841); Chiern Lake after Sunset (1847), Harrach Gallery, Vienna ; Evening Landscape with Stag (1851), Evening on the Alp (1856), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Bay of Kochel Lake, Schack Gallery, ib. ; Deer on a Lake after Sunset, Leipsic Muse- um ; Four Seasons (1858), Swantreep Gal- lery, Christiania ; Evening in the Rushes (1861); Sunset in Bavarian Highlands, Basle Museum ; Village in the Evening (1863) ; Return of the Herd (1883). His son, An- ton (born June 12, 1850, pupil of Munich Academy and of his father), paints in the latter's style. Works : View on the Isar ; Mill in Nether Bavaria. Allgem. K. C., viii. 510 ; Kunst-Chronik, six. 627 ; Miiller, 576 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xii. 63. ZYL, GERARD PIETERSE VAN, born in Amsterdam or in Leyden, probably about 1615. Dutch school ; portrait and genre painter ; was in London with Van Dyck, and painted so much in the style of that master, that he was called Little van Dyck ; ' returned to Amsterdam in or soon after 1641, is mentioned as living there in 1655- 1 58, and painted genre pieces, especially merry assemblages. Works : Portraits of Man and Wife, Brunswick Gallery ; Com- pany of Ladies and Gentlemen, Gallery, 1 Copenhagen ; Music Lesson, Moltke Col- lection, ib. Immerzeel, iii. 262 ; Riegel, Beitriige, il 291. 473