Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/550

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SUPPLEMENT. Containing names omitted, corrections, and additions, to 1887. Articles preceded by an asterisk (*) are supplementary to articles in the text.

  • ADAM, Franz, died in Munich, Sept.

29, 1886. Kunst-Chronik, xxii. 19. AGACHE, ALFEED PIERRE, born at Lille ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Plucliard and Colas. Medal, 3d class, 1885. Works : Old Woman (1880) ; Little Girl (1881) ; The Fates (1882) ; Decorative Figure (1884) ; Fortuna (1885) ; Kaled (1886). AGGHAZY, GYULA, born in Hungary ; contemporary. Genre painter. Works : The Power of Music (1881) ; Market Scene (1882), Emperor of Austria ; Village Gossip (1883), Hungarian Art Union ; Washer- women, Hemp-Roasting, Evening Land- scape (National Exhibition, Buda-Pesth, 1885). Illustr. Zeitg. (1881), i. 103.


works : Hadrian in England visiting a Romano-British Pottery (1884) ; Reading from Homer, My Youngest Daughter, Who is it ? (1885) ; An Apodyterium, A Foregone Conclusion (1886). At the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, Roman Lady feeding Fish, and Spring, sold respectively for $5,000 and $7,000.


MANUEL, died in Paris, Dec. 27, 1885.

  • AMERLING, FRIEDRICH, died in Vi-

enna, Jan. 14, 1887. Allgem. K. C., xi. 90.

  • ANATOMY, LESSON IN, Rembrandt;

read Hague Museum instead of National Gallery, Amsterdam. The picture in the Amsterdam Gallery is a fragment of the Lesson in Anatomy of Dr. Deyman, paint- ed by Rembrandt in 1656. It was greatly damaged by fire in 1723 ; sold in 1842 to Mr. Chaplin, an Englishman, for 660 florins ; bought in London, 1882, for the Amster- dam Museum for 100. The Hague pict- ure was etched by W. Unger in 1873 ; lithographed by C. Binger ; H. J. van den Hout ; H. J. Zimmerman ; C. C. A. Last ; J. L. Huijgens.

  • AURORA, Guercino, Palazzo Ludovisi,

Rome (vol. i., p. 82, line 3). Read Aurora instead of Apollo. BALL, JOSEPH (CLAUDE), born at Limonest (Rhone) ; contemporary. Genre and still-life painter, son and pupil of Jean Antoine Bail. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works : Bibelots (1880) ; The Pig (1881) ; Mere Bruue, Violoncello Player (1882) ; Glass of Water, Cooks (1883) ; The Wind of the Lamb, Little Dogs (1884) ; Cluny Bibelots (1885) ; Bibelots from Museum of Cluny and from the Drape Collection (1886). BAKER, WILLIAM BLISS, died at Ballston, N. Y., November, 1886. 474